
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaron209
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2015年4月10日上午,厅直属机关党委在豫东水利工程管理局组织召开学习冯跃华同志先进事迹现场座谈会,厅机关40余名党员干部、豫东水利工程管理局班子成员及部分干部职工代表实地参观了冯跃华及其团队工作的实验田并参加座谈会。厅党组成员、副厅长、直属机关党委书记王继元出席座谈会并讲话。座谈会上,与会同志听取了冯跃华同志对实验站和自己工作情况介绍,豫东局负责同志介绍了冯跃华同志的主要 On the morning of April 10, 2015, the party directly under the authority organized a seminar on studying the advanced deeds of Comrade Feng Yuehua at the Yudong Hydraulic Engineering Administration Bureau. More than 40 party members and cadres from the departmental hall, members of the team from the East China Water Resources Engineering Bureau and some cadres and workers On behalf of the field, he visited Feng Yuehua and his team and participated in the symposium. Wang Jianyuan, a party member and deputy director of the Party Committee and secretary of the party committee directly under the authority, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. At the symposium, comrades at the conference listened to Comrade Feng Yuehua’s introduction of the experimental station and his work. Comrades in charge of the East Henan Bureau introduced Comrade Feng Yuehua’s main
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故事梗概 1957年。雅典机场。环球旅行的水电工程师沃尔特·费伯和他原来的情人——女考古学家汉娜正在忧郁地道别。他回想忆起20年前也是同样的原因使他们两人分离,过去发
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Directions:Read the following passage.The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C
本文分析党建工作的现状,提出党建的各项工作任务都要通过党建基层组织来落实,党建的作用最终要通过党建基层组织来体现。 This article analyzes the status quo of the pa