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夏威夷实在是个梦幻般的地方。清澈、透亮的海水,棉花糖般的云朵就在你的头顶上游荡,洁白、松软;习习的海风吹在人脸上,怡人得就像是豆蔻少女投来的回眸一笑。一年四季,各种奇花异草就那么张扬地蔓延在路边,不时散发出阵阵甜香充溢着游客的口鼻。金灿灿的沙滩在菠萝树、棕榈树的点缀下平平地直铺入海浪深处,散布在岸边的五彩阳伞下悠悠地飘出美酒的醇香,还有婉转的旋律。夏威夷语里,并没有“浪漫”这个词,但是这种沁入骨髓的风情,却早已融入了夏威夷的每一个角落。 Hawaii is really a fantastic place. Clear, translucent sea water, marshmallow clouds on your head on the wandering, white, soft; sea breeze blowing in the face, pleasant as the cardamom girls cast a smile back. Throughout the year, all kinds of exotic flowers spread so slowly on the roadside, from time to time emits bursts of sweet fragrance overflowing with the mouth and nose of tourists. Golden beach in the pineapple tree, palm tree embellishment straight into the depths of the sea, scattered in the shore of the multicolored parasols leisurely drifting wine mellow, as well as mild melody. Hawaiian, there is no “romantic” word, but this into the bone marrow style, but it has long been integrated into every corner of Hawaii.
The fame of the Samye Monastery is unique in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.This monastery, dedicated to the Three Precious Ones(Buddha,Dharma and Sangha),was
The National Museum of China reopens to the public After four years of renovation work and an expansion to its floor space,the National Museum of China (NMC) re
一、英法海峡隧道异步电机传动机车主要参数: 牵引电动机持续功率 6×960kW 机车持续最高速度 160km/h 机车持续最大牵引力 400kN(到20km/h) 机车持续额定值: 59.3km/h时持
建造一间有品质的餐厅,设计与美食肯定是不分家的。大到餐厅本身的历史、菜肴的文化,小到餐盘厨具,一顿美好的食物绝对是建立在无数的细节之上的。如今,英国餐饮明星Stevie P
美国Amtrak公司Beach Grove工厂于1989年11月开始使用自动装置搬运车轮。这种价值33.3万美元的装置可代替桥式吊车运送车轮,从进入运送机上搬起车轮放到铣床位置。根据特定