
来源 :长江大学学报(自然科学版)医学卷 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyuxin_718
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目的:通过对手足口病103例的病情分析,了解该疾病的临床特点,为手足口病的临床诊断、治疗和预防提供依据。方法:运用流行病学的描述方法对临床诊断手足口病103例患儿的区域分布、年龄分布、时间分布、临床经过及预后进行描述分析。结果:本组病例乡村发病多于城内,乡村占58.25%;以托幼儿童和学前班儿童多见,占67.96%;年龄以2~3岁最为多见,占55.33%;发病季节以5~7月为高峰,占90.29%;临床症状较轻,病程1周左右,并发症少见,无死亡病例。结论:本次手足口病流行区域广,传染性强,年龄分布偏小,与季节、气温、活动场所关系明显,病情以轻型为主,临床经过良好,并发症少,现行的治疗方案有效,预后好。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical features of 103 cases of foot-mouth disease (HFMD) and to find out the clinical features of the disease and provide the basis for the clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HFMD. Methods: Using epidemiological method to describe the regional distribution, age distribution, time distribution, clinical experience and prognosis of 103 cases of HFMD. Results: The incidence of rural patients in this group was higher than that in urban areas and rural areas, accounting for 58.25%. The number of children in kindergartens and preschool children was 67.96%. The age was most common in children aged 2-3 years (55.33%), and the incidence was 5-7 Month peak, accounting for 90.29%; mild clinical symptoms, duration of about 1 week, rare complications, no deaths. Conclusion: The HFMD epidemic area is wide, infectious and age distribution is small, and the relationship with the season, temperature, activities are obvious, the disease is light, clinically good, less complications, the current treatment program is effective, Good prognosis.
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