
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonunderwater
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采用特异性引物PCR检测技术和鉴别寄主法对新疆北部棉区41个棉花黄萎病菌菌系进行检测,以期明确黄萎病菌种群致病性分化及变异。特异性引物(ND1/ND2和D1/D2)PCR检测结果显示,供试菌系中落叶型菌系16个,占39.0%;非落叶型菌系24个,占58.5%;1个菌系未能检测出致病类型。鉴别寄主法测定结果显示:41个供试菌株中致病性强、中、弱的菌系分别为21、12和8个,分别占51.2%、29.3%和19.5%。落叶型菌系的致病力明显高于非落叶型,平均病情指数分别为39.4和25.8。研究表明,无论落叶型菌系和非落叶型菌系,接种后都可产生落叶症状,但落叶的程度有明显差别,其落叶症状的轻重不仅与菌系的致病类型有关,还与品种的抗病性密切相关。 In this study, 41 cotton Verticillium dahliae isolates were detected by PCR-specific PCR and differential host assay in order to clarify the pathogenicity and differentiation of Verticillium dahliae. PCR results of specific primers (ND1 / ND2 and D1 / D2) showed that there were 16 defoliating bacterial strains in the tested strains, accounting for 39.0%; 24 non-defoliating strains (58.5%); 1 bacterial strain Can detect the type of disease. The results of the differential host assay showed that 21, 12 and 8 pathogenicity isolates were found in 41 tested strains, accounting for 51.2%, 29.3% and 19.5% respectively. The pathogenicity of the deciduous fungi was significantly higher than that of the non-deciduous ones, and the average disease index was 39.4 and 25.8 respectively. The results showed that both the deciduous and non-deciduous bacterial strains could produce deciduous symptoms after inoculation, but the degree of defoliation was significantly different. The severity of deciduous symptoms was not only related to the pathogenicity of the strains, Disease resistance is closely related.
1998年10月~2000年10月我院住院的过期流产患者50例,应用米非司酮配伍米索前列醇,取得了满意的效果,现报道如下。 资料与方法 采用1997年8月出版的《妇产科学》标准[1]评定过
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为确定灰毛豆Tephrosia purpurea树皮甲醇提取物中的杀虫成分,以白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus 4龄幼虫为靶标昆虫,在活性跟踪的基础上利用色谱技术分离其活性成分,然后根据各化