
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huishou2088
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A retrospective study was performed on 27 patients withhepatitis C (HCV)-rela ted mixed cryoglobulinemia (purpura,arthralgia, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, p eripheral neuropathy)to assess peripheral nerve involvement during follow-up of up to 8 years. All patients had the same degree of organ/system involvement ini tially and were clinically evaluated at least annually. All 27 patients received steroids; 15 also received recombinant interferon-α2b (rIFN-α2b). At first examination, neurological signs and electrodiagnostic findings consistent with p eripheral neuropathy were found in 20(74%) and in 24 (88.8%) patients, respect ively. Neurological evaluation and electrodiagnostic data at 3 and 8 years revea led worsening of neuropathy, whereas the other manifestations of mixed cryoglobu linemia (MC) were stable. At the last examination, clinical and electrodiagnosti c signs of neuropathy were found in 25 patients (92.5%), occurring in 1 of 3 pa tients with normal initial findings, and worsened in 8. A more severe neuropathy was observed in 3(25%) of the patients treated with prednisone alone and in 6 (40%) of the patients additionally treated with rIFN-α2b.Our data confirm tha t in patients with HCV-related MC, peripheral nerve involvement is frequent, is progressive, and does not seem to benefit by addition of rIFN-α2b to steroid treatment. A retrospective study was performed on 27 patients with hepatitis C (HCV) -rela ted mixed cryoglobulinemia (purpura, arthralgia, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, p eripheral neuropathy) to assess peripheral nerve involvement during follow-up of up to 8 years. All patients had the the same degree of organ / system involvement iniially and were clinically evaluated at least annually. All 27 patients received steroids; 15 also received recombinant interferon-α2b (rIFN-α2b). At first examination, neurological signs and electrodiagnostic findings consistent with p eripheral neuropathy Neurological evaluation and electrodiagnostic data at 3 and 8 years revea led worsening of neuropathy, while the other manifestations of mixed cryoglobu linemia (MC) were stable. At the last examination, clinical and electrodiagnosti c signs of neuropathy were found in 25 patients (92.5%), occurring in 1 of 3 pa tients with normal initial findings, and worsened in 8. A more severe neuropathy was observed in 3 (25%) of the patients treated with prednisone alone and in 6 (40%) of the patients treated with rIFN-α2b. Our data confirm tha t in patients with HCV- related MC, peripheral nerve involvement is frequent, is progressive, and does not seem to benefit by addition of rIFN-α2b to steroid treatment.
在人民解放战争即将取得全国性胜利的时刻,毛泽东在建立新中国及治国理政方面做了大量工作,显示出高超的智慧和雄才大略,做出了卓越的贡献。  “赴京赶考”前夕严立规矩  毛泽东预感到“因为胜利,党内的骄傲情绪,以功臣自居的情绪,停顿起来不求进步的情绪,贪图享乐不愿再过艰苦生活的情绪,可能生长。这‘四种情绪’可能表现在部分党员干部身上。”因此,在1949年3月于西柏坡召开的党的七届二中全会上,毛泽东号召全
在诸多工程设计的可行性方案中 ,如何选择优秀方案 ,已成为确定方案的重要环节。提出了运用价值工程的方法对各可行方案进行技术经济的全面比较 ,以确定最满意方案。 In man