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在首都的北大门延庆县,这个约30万人口的县城,一封寄给纪委的举报信,就像推倒了多米诺骨牌。在此之后不足半年的时间里,县交通局女工委员会主任侯慧琴、基建科科长史立君、局长王新亮相继落马。虚设项目套取工程款2003年年末,延庆县交通局。局长王新亮在办公室与基建科科长史立君聊天。这二人的相识,还要追溯到王新亮当年在延庆井庄乡任书记时。后来“乡书记”调任县交通局局长,也就将“老朋友”调为自己的部下。史立君自然成了王新亮的心腹。 In Yanqing County, the northern gate of the capital, a county town of about 300,000 people, a letter sent to the Commission for Discipline Inspection is like a domino. In less than six months after that, Hou Huiqin, director of the Women’s Commission of the County Department of Transportation, Shi Lijun, chief of the infrastructure department, and Wang Xinliang, director of the Infrastructure Bureau, all went down one after another. Fictitious projects to take over the engineering section At the end of 2003, Yanqing County Department of Transportation. Director Wang Xinliang chatted with Shi Lijun, chief of the infrastructure department at the office. The acquaintance of these two, but also dates back to Wang Xinliang was Yanqing Jing Zhuang Township that time as secretary. Later, “Township secretary ” transferred to the county Department of Transportation director, also will “old friend ” for his subordinates. Shi Lijun naturally became Wang Xinliang confidant.
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