Ecological Interpretation of Voices from Chernobyl:The Oral History of the Nuclear Disaster

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  【关键词】切尔诺贝利 核灾难 生态思想
  【Abstract】“Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of the Nuclear Disaster” show ecological tragedy of modern society in the form of reportage. This article interprets the text from the perspective of ecological criticism, analyze their living status and spiritual imbalance after survival, and discuss the root of the problem, to advocate ecological thinking about Nature, fate and future of humanity, evoke people’s ecological awareness.
  【Key words】Chernobyl; Nuclear Disaster; ecological thinking
  On 26 April 1986, a catastrophic nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the city of Pripyat, then located in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union (USSR). An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe. The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties.
  Alexievich, then in her 30s, interviewed more than 500 eyewitnesses, including firefighters, liquidators (members of the cleanup team), politicians, physicians, physicists and ordinary citizens over a period of 10 years and write a book. The book relates the psychological and personal tragedy of the Chernobyl accident, and explores the experiences of individuals and how the disaster affected their lives. The US edition: Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of the Nuclear Disaster, translated by Keith Gessen was awarded the 2005 National Book Critics Circle Award for general non-fiction and win the 2015 Nobel Prize for literature.
  Alexievich defines her writing style as record while Nobel official names it polyphonic writing. She plays the role of a recorder, what she concerns most is the fate of the ordinary people and what she writes is the most ambitious era concern. Kafka once said, “Not everyone can see the truth, but everyone can be the truth.” Diversified will weave together a lot of detail, recreates the life of the individual state tragedy. Voices from Chernobyl shows ecological tragedy of modern society in the form of reportage. The UK edition translated by Anna Gunin and Arch Tait named Chernobyl Prayer: A Chronicle of the Future. This article will analyze their living condition after survival and spiritual imbalance from the perspective of ecological criticism, excavate ecological thinking the work advocates, warn people about Nature, the fate and future of humanity, evoke people’s ecological awareness.   Lu divides ecology into natural ecology, social ecology, and spiritual ecology. They take nature, human society and economic life and people’s inner feelings and the spiritual life as the research object respectively. Wang advocates ecological criticism should explore the relationship between literature and nature under the guidance of ecological idea to reveal the ideological root of ecology crisis the literary works reflect , and to explore the ecological aesthetics of literature.
  Homesick and identity crisis.
  Space theory provides the possibility of development and expansion of ecological criticism , it can be applied to almost all the literature study, subjects like people’s alienation, self-identification crisis, the reflection of modernity, the reason of appearance of anti-ecological ideas and works, all of these can be discussed from the perspective of space theory. After the disaster, many people refuse to leave, “even if it’s poisoned with radiation, it’s still my home”. Some people write their names on fences, woods houses, asphalt before they leave. After leaving, their emotion become more intense, “Everyday I’d dream of my house. I’d be home soon.” evacuated bride and groom even come back and film their wedding. They lost their land, their house and their home. “We all call ourselves chernobylites. A new nation”. Historically, people’s feeling towards the land is complicated, their sense of belonging and stability of the country is closely linked to the land. Displaced and lonely excluded life lead to identity crisis politically. Dissatisfaction with reality raised doubts on the existing political system. “We don’t need anything from the government. Just leave us alone, is all we live”, “Who needs the government?...And freedom! We’re happy. This isn’t a collective farm anymore, a commune....And then we won’t need anyone at all.”(Alexievich: 75) Chernobyl is their home and motherland, and now, it does not exist. They lost their home in political sense and ecological sense.
  Lost of faith
  “They had faith that we lived well and fairly, that for us man was the highest thing, the measure of all things. The collapse of this faith in a lot of people eventually led to heart attacks and suicides.”(Alexievich: 163) When people have enough time to reflect the disaster, treatment of government is criticized. Blind optimism based on trust in science and technology made them hide the truth to the public. They firmly believe “We’ll win! We’re warriors!” This heroic patriotic is the ideological roots of a series of disasters. “I hate your science! I hate it” This is the cry from a desperate mother and powerful indictment to the science supremacists.   People are in panic and want to know who is to blame. They blame the government for tricking them, they even blame “God delivers the bullet” Mistrust to government, religious and existing knowledge systems lead to the collapse of faith. This is not just an explosion of the nuclear reactor but the explosion of whole value system.
  Destruction of human nature
  The theme of the book is love and death, they are also the nature of human. But for some people, it’s a sin to give birth, it’s a sin to love. In 1993, there were 200,000 abortions because of Chernobyl. Chernobylist, their ability to get married and fertility are deprived. This is the destruction of human nature.
  The alienation of people is manifested in a more brutal way. “this is not your husband anymore, not a beloved person, but a radioactive object with a strong density of poisoning” Wife’s courage and love could not stop her husband’s death, the girl she gave birth to died due to infection. Love is so powerless in the face of death. Even he is warrior in the country, his body can not be buried according to normal procedure, but treated like a dangerous poisonous radioactive object.
  Reflection after the disaster
  In front of death, human’s wisdom, science and technology cannot withstand a single blow, people were turn into animals, powerless and being hunted. The relationship between man and animals is no longer the master and pet but companion. When animals are slaughtered to make sure they will not cause greater losses, a boy asked the question. Sergei Gurin, a cameraman give the answer, “Our love is all about the sufferings and loves of people but not of everything living. Only humans” This is a query to typical human center value orientation and people’s status is pulled to the level of animals and even lower. “Chernobyl is a theme worthy of Dostoevsky, an attempt to justify mankind. Or maybe the world is simpler than that. You should come into this world on your tiptoes, and stop at the entrance, into this miraculous world.” (Alexievich:173) This is reflection after the disaster, a change of the natural confrontation conception, and also the ecological orientation advocated by this work.
  [1]Alexievich Svetlana.Voices from Chernobyl:The Oral History of the Nuclear Disaster,trans.Keith Gessen.Picador:St.Martin’s Press,2005.
  [2]Lu Shuyuan.The Space of Ecological Criticism.Shanghai:East China Normal University Press.2006.
【摘要】本文梳理国内外对于ESP课程的认识、定位、分类方法,探索ESP课程的教学模式,提出了ESP混合式教学模式的理论依据与具体的教学实践,以期解决ESP课程师资专业知识的困境,学生水平层次不齐的现状,实现差异性教学,进而提升教学质量。  【关键词】ESP;课程认识;混合式教学  【作者简介】李宁(1982-),女,延安大学,讲师,硕士,从事大学英语教学与中西比较文学研究。  【基金项目】陕西省教
【摘要】本研究著眼于我国“一带一路”大环境,分析了西部地区外语翻译市场的现状和翻译师资的主要组成部分,从不同角度提出了如何建立一条高素质的翻译师资队伍,希望借此为推动我国西部地区高校翻译师资良性建设提供一些值得参考的发展思路。  【关键词】翻译 师资建设 西部地区  随着全球经济一体化的快速发展,我国面临着来自各个领域的激烈竞争,如何才能突破本土化的种种限制,实现与全球经济化的无缝对接来提高我国综
一、引言  当前的初中英语阅读教学中,一些传统的教学理念仍然没有得到根本的转变。在教学设计中,教师大多关注学生对字、词、句等表层信息的理解,缺乏对篇章结构的分析和主题意义的深层探究,对于文本的处理往往如蜻蜓点水,不够深入,学生无法對文本进行全面的深层次阅读,也就谈不上阅读能力的真正提高,而有效的教学设计取决于教师对文本解读的水平,它直接影响学生的学习体验、认知过程、情感发展和学习成效,因此,提高文
【摘要】在社会生活信息化和经济全球化的今天,英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已经成为了人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。许多国家在基础教育的发展战略中,都把英语教育作为公民素质教育的重要组成部分,并将其摆在突出地位。因此,学好英语有助于增加学生的学习领域,有机会接触到国外更多的先进技术,成为高科技人才,为国家发展贡献一份力量。  【关键词】小学英语 创新教学  小学是学生初步接受系统化学习的阶段。
【摘要】如何在高校公共英语教学中融入中国传统文化,培养出既懂得国际规则,具有国际视野,同时在国际活动中懂得发扬和宣传中国传统文化的人才,这是对高校公共英语教师的挑战。本文将从以下几点进行讨论:1.高校英语教学融入中国传统文化的意义;2.英语教师的中国传统文化素质的培养;3.英语教学中融入传统文化的途径。  【关键词】中国传统文化 高校英语教学 融入  英语一直以来作为国际通用的交流语言,但是随着中
【摘要】英语学习策略是英语学习的一个重要因素。它的选择和应用直接影响到英语学习的有效性。本文首先论述了大学生英语定义学习策略的基本情况和存在的问题,并阐述了如何培养学习者所定义的有效的学习策略。提出了今后学习策略培训的建议,以期为以后的研究和教學提供参考。  【关键词】大学英语;策略;分析  【作者简介】王悦,西南大学外国语学院。  一、前言  20世纪70年代以来,学习策略已成为第二语言习得领域