领导重视 力量落实

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1994年以来,巴中市委按照小康目标总揽农村工作全局,对村级组织建设实行了抓两头,带中间,分类指导的方法,全市在狠抓小康村建设的同时,加强领导,集中时间,采取措施,抓了后进村整顿,取得明显成效。一、调查研究,制定整治方案。年初,由市委、市政府领导带队,组织了325人的工作队深入到农村调查研究,在全市排出软弱涣散村党支部27个,并针对存在的主要问题,对全市的整顿工作作出了具体安排部署。二、加强领导,综合治理。为加强领导,市委一位副书记和组织部长为整顿后进村负责人,并抽调人员专门办公。乡镇成立了以党委书记为组长,分管党务的副书记为副组长的整顿领导小组,切实加强领导。各乡镇抓住后进村问题的共性和个性,从实际出发,选准突破口, Since 1994, the Bazhong Municipal Party Committee has taken the overall situation of rural work in line with the well-off goal, implemented the method of grasping the two ends with the guidance of the middle and the classifications in line with the well-off goal. The city, while paying close attention to the construction of well-off villages, strengthens leadership and concentrates time Measures, arrested after the reorganization of the village, achieved remarkable results. First, research, develop remediation programs. At the beginning of this year, led by the municipal party committee and municipal government led a task force of 325 people to go to rural areas for investigation and study and discharged 27 county Party branches in the city for weakness and sanctions. In response to the existing major problems, they made specific adjustments to the city’s rectification work Arrange the deployment. Second, strengthen leadership and comprehensive management. In order to strengthen the leadership, a deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and an organization minister are responsible for reorganizing the village and transferring personnel to work exclusively for the office. The township set up a leading group with the party secretary as the leader and the deputy secretary in charge of the party as the deputy leader, and earnestly strengthen leadership. All towns and villages to seize the commonality and individuality of the problem after the village, from the reality, select the right breakthrough,
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