
来源 :云南医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoHolly
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目的探讨TSH极低值的原因及临床意义。方法采用时间分辨免疫荧光法测定(TRIFMA)超敏TSH(hTSHUitre)。选择血清TSH测值小于0.03mIU/L且临床诊断已明确的185例患者进行分析。结果TSH测值小于0.03mIU/L患者中甲状腺疾病占95.7%,其中甲亢占74.6%,亚急性甲状腺炎占4.3%,服甲状腺激素治疗者占15.1%,其它类型占4.3%包括垂体功能减退、早期妊娠、糖尿病、心律失常、肾衰等。结论在TSH极低病例中,甲亢占绝大多数。 Objective To explore the reason and clinical significance of TSH very low value. Methods Time-resolved immunofluorescence assay (TRIFMA) hypersensitivity TSH (hTSHUitre) was performed. 185 patients with serum TSH measured less than 0.03 mIU / L and clinically diagnosed were selected for analysis. Results TSH was less than 0.03mIU / L in patients with thyroid disease accounted for 95.7%, of which hyperthyroidism accounted for 74.6%, subacute thyroiditis accounted for 4.3%, thyroid hormone treatment accounted for 15.1%, other types accounted for 4.3% including hypopituitarism, Early pregnancy, diabetes, arrhythmia, renal failure and so on. Conclusion In the very low TSH cases, hyperthyroidism accounted for the vast majority.
该文基于德温特专利数据库,利用TDA、Thomson Innovation等分析工具或平台对1980-2011年纳米药物领域专利进行了分析,系统揭示了30多年以来纳米药物的研发现状、技术热点以及
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