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巴西石油公司宣布在巴西东北部巴伊亚州海底砂岩层发现新的深水石油储藏。该由藏位于热基蒂尼奥尼亚海盆南部海域的1-BRSA-669-BAS钻深井。该井距离海岸7km,水深2354m,海气层距离水面约3630m。目前储量评估及开采可行性研究某工作正在进行。估计由巴西石油公司和挪威国家石油公 Petrobras announced the discovery of a new deep-water oil reservoir in the submarine sandstone of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The deep well was drilled by the 1-BRSA-669-BAS located in the southern waters of the Geothermal Kitinia basin. The well 7km from the coast, the depth of 2354m, the sea level from the surface of about 3630m. A review of the current stock assessment and feasibility study is in progress. Estimated by Petrobras and Norway’s national oil company
作为“中西文化年”交流项目之一的“300%西班牙设计展”将亮相北京中华世纪坛世界艺术馆。展览包括西班牙最知名的艺术家与设计师的300件作品: As one of the “Chinese-We
抱瓮堂主任晓军先生,一脚踏在传统绘画领域,浸淫于山水花鸟的意境,却步于高士逸人的交往,一脚则踏在现代绘画疆界,形式着笔墨纸砚的追摹,表达着衣食男女的情怀。 Huguangtan
迷糊娃娃的来历:ddung是由韩国Design Seol所创作的一个超级大迷糊,其可爱程度与香港的麦兜有的一拼。其创作灵感来自Design Seol4岁的小侄女。因为她侄女经常有令人哭笑不得
As a primary parameter in the water quality model for shallow bays, the dispersion coeffcient is traditionally determined with a trial-and-error method, which i
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The photochemical mineralization of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) to dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) is a key process in carbon cycling.Using a Suntest CPS sola
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