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近来查阅有关书籍,发现它们将本草所言的水晶花订为金粟科植物丝穗金粟兰 Chloranthus for—tunei(A.Gray)Solms—Laub.。经核对与考证,认为水晶花不应为丝穗金粟兰,而是同科植物全缘金粟兰 Chloranthus holostegius(Hand.—Mazz.)Peiet Shan。水晶花始载于清《植物名实图考》。该书收载有2种水晶花。其中水晶花(二)(见图)“叶似绣球花叶而小,紫茎有节,花如银丝,作穗长寸许,夏至后即枯”;从附图来看,茎端具4片叶,近轮生,叶具柄,茎端具穗状花序3条,茎下部节上生一对鳞片状叶等。就这些性状,水晶花(二)显然应为金粟兰科金粟兰属植物。经与《中国植物志》对照,水 Recently, I searched the books and found that they defined the crystal flower of Materia Medica as Chloranthus for-tunei (A. Gray) Solms-Laub. According to the verification and research, it is believed that the crystal flower should not be the genus Chrysanthemum, but the whole family Chloranthus holostegius (Hand.-Mazz.) Peiet Shan. Crystal flower was contained in the Qing Dynasty “Plant name real exam”. The book contains two crystal flowers. The crystal flower (2) (see photo) “The leaves resemble the leaves of the hydrangea and are small, the purple stems are knotted, the flowers are silver, and the spike length is long, and it is dry after the summer solstice”; from the figure, the stem ends are 4 leaves, close to whorled, leaves stalked, with 3 spikelike inflorescences on stem ends, and a pair of scalelike leaves on lower stem sections. For these traits, the crystal flower (B) should obviously belong to the genus Chrysanthemum of the genus Chrysanthemum. After contrast with “Chinese Flora”, water
Measures of irregularity of a point set or sequence, such as discrepancy and dispersion, play a central role in quasi Monte Carlo methods. In this paper, we in
作者成功地开发了智能虚拟超声图像系统 ,该系统具有成像和数据处理功能 ,提高了无损检测可靠性和灵敏度 ,增加了软件调节衰减因数等功能 ,准确测定被测工件的声速和工件的厚
应用紫外分光光度法和薄层扫描法对六味地黄汤块状冲剂中主要成分丹皮酚和熊果酸进行含量测定和对制剂各药材进行定性鉴别。本方法可作为六味地黄汤块状冲剂的质量标准。 Ul
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