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解放军生活:军委习主席提出要发挥红色资源优势,深入进行党史军史和优良传统教育,把红色基因一代代传下去。请问我们应如何理解和把握“红色基因”这个概念?韩云鹏:红色,寓意俯仰,象征光明,凝聚力量,引领未来。祖国的山河、党的历史人物、革命战争年代的遗迹,都因“红色”而典藏了历史,凝聚成精神富矿,沉淀成红色基因。红色基因是我们党领导全国各族人民和人民军队在革命、建设、改节各个历史时期孕育、积淀形成的光荣传统和优良作风,是承接历史、现实和未来的精神纽带,有着深厚的思想内涵和无穷的价值力量。红包基因是信仰的源泉、精神的谱系、制胜的法宝。 PLA Life: Chairman Xi Jinping proposed that we should give full play to the advantages of red resources, conduct in-depth military history and excellent traditional education in the party history, and pass on the red genes from generation to generation. How can we understand and grasp the concept of “red gene”? Han Yunpeng: red, meaning pitch, symbol of light, cohesion, leading the future. The mountains and rivers of the motherland, the historical figures of the party, and the relics of the era of the revolutionary war are all preserved in history because of “redness”, condensed into spiritual bonanza and precipitated into red genes. The red gene is the glorious tradition and fine style that our party has led the people of all nationalities throughout the country and the people’s army in their respective historical periods of revolution, construction and reform. It is a spiritual bond that takes on history, reality and the future, and has profound ideological connotations And infinite value power. The red envelope gene is the source of faith, spiritual genealogy, winning magic.
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