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后发障是指白内障囊外摘除术后的晶状体后囊混浊,它是后房型人工晶体植入术的主要并发症。较重的后囊混浊常导致视力的再度碍障而需要治疗。目前治疗的方法有两种,即YAG激光打孔法和手术刺开法。我们用角膜缘迸针划切6例硅凝胶后房型人工晶体后发障、方法简单,效果良好,现报告如下: 一、手术方法:后发障术在手术显微镜下进行,局部麻醉。划囊针是用5号注射针头弯制而成。其尖端弯向腹侧(图1)。划囊针尾部所接注射器内盛平衡液。角膜刀用剃须保险刀片制成,锋刃长1.5mm。手术时 Post-cataract refers to posterior capsular opacification after extracapsular cataract extraction, which is a major complication of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. Heavier posterior capsular opacities often lead to reoccurrence of vision and need treatment. The current treatment of two ways, namely, YAG laser drilling and surgical stabbing open method. We use limbal incision needle cut 6 cases of silicone gel posterior chamber intraocular lens after a fault, the method is simple, the effect is good, are as follows: First, the surgical method: After the onset of obstruction surgery under a microscope, local anesthesia. Scraper needle is made with the 5th injection needle curved. Its tip is bent to the ventral side (Figure 1). The needle connected to the end of the needle is filled with balance fluid. Corneal knife blade shaving insurance made, front blade length 1.5mm. Surgery
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 1996年11月至1998年12月我们对69例病毒性肺炎及混合感染者,用银花合剂超声雾化吸入治疗,收到显著疗效,现总结如下。临床资料一、病例选择 符合《儿科学》肺炎诊断标准102例,男62例,女40例,~6mo37例,~12mo42例,~3a23例。用
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