轩龙推出新举措 转让技术招加盟

来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ghost_D
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看到一些同行.自己不搞生产,却大肆推广技术。王银河再也坐不住了!真是太阳从西边出来了!一直以来,搞技术出身的轩龙公司经理王银河,每次成功研发出新产品,热销市场都会有经销商请求他转让技术,在全国各地建分厂,开创厂家和经销商双赢局面。对此,王经理一概拒绝。理由只有一个,王经理是怕分厂难管理、生产不规范,导致产品质量不过硬,从而对轩龙品牌造成负面影响,因此一直只在各地招产品代理促进销售。而今。见到有些同行,自己不搞生产却面向全国推广技术,王银河经理一改常态。 See some of my colleagues do not pursue their own production, but wantonly promote the technology. Wang Galaxy no longer sit still! Really the sun came out from the west! Has been engaged in technical background Xuanlong company manager Wang Yinhe, each successful research and development of new products, the hot market will have the dealer asked him to transfer the technology, Construction of plants throughout the country, creating a win-win situation for manufacturers and distributors. In this regard, Mr. Wang refused. Only one reason, Manager Wang is afraid of difficult plant management, production is not standardized, resulting in product quality is not too hard, which has a negative impact on the Xuanlong brand, it has been only in various parts of the product sales agents to promote sales. now. See some peers, their own production but not for the promotion of technology across the country, Wang Yinhe manager changed his mind.