Feeling the World in the Forest

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong470
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SINCE July, 1986 China had formally proposed the resumption of full membership in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). However she failed to accomplish this wish till 1995 when the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT. November 15, 1999 was an important day for China, because on that day China and the United States finally reached a bilateral agreement in Beijing concerning China’s entry into the WTO after hard and tortuous negotiations. China was thus much nearer to the gate of WTO membership and the talk on China’s SINCE July, 1986 China had formally proposed the resumption of full membership in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). However she failed to accomplish this wish till 1995 when the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT. November 15, 1999 Was an important day for China, because on the day China and the United States finally reached a bilateral agreement in Beijing concerning China’s entry into the WTO after hard and tortuous negotiations. China was thus much nearer to the gate of WTO membership and the talk on China’s
朋友,当您看到这些照片的时 候,您一定会认为是过去旧京 的老照片吧!实际上,它就是我们的“邻居”,生活在为数不多的胡同里。这些门脸见证着历史的沧桑巨变,年代的久远 使它愈发散
中国机械进出口 (集团 )公司 (简称中机总公司 )同缅甸能源部下属的石化公司签署了为缅甸建造两家移动式液化天然气厂的协定。这两家移动式液化天然气厂将耗资1300万美元 ,日处理
雪乡其实不是一个正式的称呼, 学名儿叫双峰林场。位于黑龙 江省海林市长汀镇,是大海林 林业局的一个下属林场,从长汀往南走 还有一百多公里,藏在张广才岭深处。 地图上可以找到