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去过晋州的人们,总会听到周家庄的许多故事,因为这个乡是全国惟一一个以乡镇为核算单位的乡镇,这里是集体致富、共同富裕的典型代表。来到周家庄,一个乡办的集体企业会吸引了你,这就是晋州市阀门厂。深入采访,那有条不紊的生产车间,那现代化的质检科、微机室,那井然有序的销售科、财务室,那雄壮宠大的汽车队,以及那科学合理的规章制度、认真严谨的工作风貌,无一不在向每一个人展示这家工厂的骄傲。周家庄乡人均收入48%来自这个厂。晋州市惟一的亿元企业是这个厂。全国乡镇企业家韩平军是这家工厂的厂长。只认集体的利益 People who have been to Jinju will always hear many stories of Zhoujiazhuang because this village is the only township in the country where the township is the accounting unit. Here is the typical representative of collective wealth and common prosperity. Came to Zhoujiazhuang, a township-run collective enterprises will attract you, this is Jinju Valve Factory. In-depth interviews, the orderly workshop, the modern QC, the computer room, the well-organized sales department, the financial room, the magnificent car team, as well as that scientific and reasonable rules and regulations, serious and rigorous work Style, are everywhere to show everyone the pride of this factory. Zhou Jia Zhuang 48% per capita income from this plant. The only 100 million yuan business in Jinju City is this factory. Han Ping-jun, a national township entrepreneur, is the factory’s director. Only recognize the interests of the community
High selectivity to light alkenes can be achieved from CO and CO_2hydrogenation over K-Fe-MnO/Si-2 catalyst.The alkene selectivity isinsensitive to reaction tem
2.1Measurementof ̄(26)AlUsingtheAMSHeMing;JiangShan;WuShaoyong;JiangSongshengTheradioisotope ̄(26)Al(halflife7.2×10 ̄5a)isproduc... 2.1Measurementof ~ (26) AlUsingtheAMSHeMing; JiangShan; WuShaoyong; JiangSongshengTheradioisotope ~ (26) Al (halflife7 * 10 ~
丙硫苯咪唑是一种苯丙咪唑衍生物。1982年湖北省医药工业研究所仿制合成,我们首次应用于临床。现将驱蛲虫的初步临床观察报道如下: 材料与方法:治疗前于早上8:30在幼儿园,用
菌痢一般容易诊断,但某些疾病具有与菌痢相似的症状,易诊为菌痢而延误治疗.现将误诊的5例报告如下,并加以分析. 例1、女,5个月,1982年3月30日因腹泻、呕吐一天诊断为菌痢入