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2009年辽宁省水利厅把阜蒙县列入拉动内需水土流失综合防治试点县,根据过去的“三沟经验、十年治柳、‘大禹杯’竞赛、十年治凌、东北黑土区”的治理经验,得出适合阜蒙县西北部小流域综合治理经验模式。 In 2009, Liaoning Provincial Department of Water Resources listed Fu Meng County as one of the pilot counties in stimulating the comprehensive prevention and control of domestic demand for soil and water loss. According to the past experience of “Three Ditch”, “Ten Day Cup”, “Dayu Cup” contest, "Management experience, come to the small watershed for the northwest of Fu Mengxian comprehensive management experience model.
文章从宏观角度论述了小流域综合治理的成效,并对工作中的经验进行了总结。 The article discusses the effectiveness of comprehensive management of small watershed fr
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本文针对目前我国建筑工程技术所面临的一些问题和挑战,文章进行了深入的探讨与分析,并且提出了合理的对策和有效的解决方法。 In this paper, in view of some problems an
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