Ion-Beam-Induced Luminescence of LiF Using Negative Ions

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waixiao032124
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Negative ion-beam-induced luminescence(IBIL) measurements of a pure LiF crystal using 20 keV H~-are performed to monitor the formation and annihilation of luminescence centers during ion irradiation. Several emission bands are observed in the IBIL spectra and the evolvement mechanisms of the corresponding centers are identified. The difference between the IBIL measurements using positive ions and negative ions is that the intensities of luminescence centers can reach the maxima at lower fluences under negative-ion irradiation due to free charge accumulation. Negative ion-beam-induced luminescence (IBIL) measurements of a pure LiF crystal using 20 keV H ~ -are performed to monitor the formation and annihilation of luminescence centers during ion irradiation. Several emission bands are observed in the IBIL spectra and the evolvement mechanisms of the corresponding centers are identified. The difference between the IBIL measurements using positive ions and negative ions is that the intensities of luminescence centers can reach the maxima at lower fluences under negative-ion irradiation due to free charge accumulation.
通过~(70)As的放射性衰变研究了~(70)Ge的激发态,新发现能量为1 036.99,1 196.66,1 539.29和2 531.7 keV的四条新γ射线,重新确认了2 219.34 keVγ射线的跃迁位置,新确认496.
NUCLEAR AND RADIATION SAFETY书号:ISBN 978-7-5111-1587-4出版日期:2015年3月定价:165.00元发行热线:010-67125803;010-67113405(传真)主编:潘自强副主编:刘华《中国环境百
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