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威宁彝族回族苗族自治县位于贵州西北部乌蒙山脉高原面上,总面积6295平方公里,居住着汉、彝、回、苗、布依等18个民族,1998年统计人口97.82万人。 1998年,县委、县政府团结和带领全县各族人民,克服了烤烟限产、“两土”(土法炼锌、土法炼焦)取缔、烤烟“白条”困扰,煤炭和锌、铁市场疲软,自然灾害频繁等不利因素,实现了经济社会持续发展。全年完成国内生产总值8.04亿元,比上年增长11.6%;工业总产值7.52亿元,比上年增长7.99%,农业总产值6.59亿元,比上年增长6.2%;乡镇企业总产值12.7亿元,比上年增长20%;财政收入9449万元;粮食总产量6.13亿斤;农民人均纯收入1156元;人均占有粮食326.7公斤;社会商品零售总额1.72亿元;存款余额3.54亿元;物价指数稳中有降,人民生活水平有所提高,综合经济实力进一步增强。面对新世纪,威宁县委、县政府将团结和带领全县各族人民,坚持以邓小平理论为指导,坚持党的基本路线不动摇,认真贯彻落实党的十五大和十五届三中全会精神,促进全县“两个文明”建设的协调发展。 Weining Yi and Miao Autonomous County is located in northwestern Guizhou Wumeng Mountain Plateau, with a total area of ​​6,295 square kilometers, living in Han, Yi, Hui, Miao, Buyi and other 18 ethnic groups in 1998, a statistical population of 978200. In 1998, the county party committee and county government unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the county to overcome the restrictions on the production of tobacco, “two soil” (indigenous and local laws and regulations coke), banned tobacco, “white” troubles, coal and Zinc, iron market weakness, frequent natural disasters and other unfavorable factors, to achieve sustainable economic and social development. The annual GDP of 804 million yuan was completed, an increase of 11.6% over the previous year. The total industrial output value was 752 million yuan, an increase of 7.99% over the previous year. The total agricultural output value was 659 million yuan, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year. The gross output value of township and village enterprises 1.27 billion yuan, an increase of 20% over the previous year; fiscal revenue of 94.49 million yuan; total output of 6.13 billion kilograms of grain; per capita net income of farmers 1156 yuan; per capita grain 326.7 kilograms; total retail sales of 172 million yuan; deposit balance of 354 million yuan ; The price index has been steadily decreasing, the people’s living standards have been raised, and the comprehensive economic strength has been further enhanced. Faced with the new century, Weining county Party committee and county government will unite and lead the people of all nationalities throughout the county, adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory as a guide, adhere to the party’s basic line unshakable, conscientiously implement the party’s 15th and the third three Plenary Session spirit, to promote the county “two civilizations ” the coordinated development of construction.
本文针对公路与城市道路中常遇见的软基问题,介绍几类处理的方法。 In this paper, we will introduce some methods to deal with the problems of soft ground commonly e
化工厂需用很多鉛管,这种管子在使用和搬运过程中很容易变形,使原来的圓状断面变成扁形或是椭圓形,要修复很麻煩。 謝万明等几位老师傅研究用气脹的办法,把管子一端堵死,一