Threshold proxy quantum signature scheme with threshold shared verification

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chywei
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A threshold proxy quantum signature scheme with threshold shared verification is proposed. An original signer could authorize a group as its proxy signers. Then only t or more of n persons in the proxy group can generate the proxy signature on behalf of the original signer and any t-1 or fewer ones cannot do that. When the proxy signature needs to be verified,any t or more of n persons belonging to the verification group can verify the message and any t-1 or fewer ones cannot verify the validity of the proxy signature. A threshold proxy quantum signature scheme with threshold shared verification is proposed. An original signer could authorize a group as its proxy signers. Then only t or more of n persons in the proxy group can generate the proxy signature on behalf of the original signer and any When the proxy signature needs to be verified, any t or more of n persons belonging to the verification group can verify the message and any t-1 or fewer ones can not verify the validity of the proxy signature.
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