
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsp1983
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去年3月的一天,秦城区天水乡司法所来了一位老人,一进门,二话没说就跪在司法助理员面前,这一举动使司法助理员丈二和尚摸不着头脑,忙扶起老人问明原因,才知道这位老人是赶了三四百里路专门来感谢司法所“恩人”的。此事还得从头说起。寻找“不速之客”去年2月16日,天水乡司法助理员的手机响了,“喂,你是司法所的人吗?我是礼县来的农民,我妻子和孩子被你们乡蒲尧村的村民拐骗了,我跑断了腿,费了九牛二虎之力才打听到,如果你们不管,我就没有活路了,我就杀死他们全家,与他们同归于尽。”“喂,你在哪里?”对方没告诉他是谁就挂断了电话。司法助理员当即放下饭碗,立刻跑到乡司法所,可没有找到打 One day in March last year, an immortal came to Tianshui Township Justice Department of Qincheng District. When he entered the house, he did not say anything and knelt in front of judicial assistants. This act made the second priest, the judicial assistant husband, scratching his head and busy helping the elderly ask Ming reason, I realized that the old man was three or four hundred miles to catch a special thanks to the Justice Department “benefactor ”. This matter has to start from scratch. On February 16 last year, Tianshui Township judicial assistant’s cell phone rang, “Hey, you are the people of justice? I am a farmer from Li County, my wife and children are your hometown Po Yaocun villagers abducted, I ran the leg, took a dauntless talent to inquire, if you do not care, I have no way, I will kill their whole family, and they go back to their best. Hello, where are you? ”" The other party did not tell him who hung up. Judicial assistant immediately lay off his job, immediately went to the township justice, did not find to fight
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