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母亲把院里院外打扫了三遍,又去厨房检查了一番昨天采买的蔬菜吃食,又站在院门处四下打量一会儿,桃叶才懒洋洋地醒来。长长地几个呵欠后,慢腾腾穿衣下炕。母亲在院里轻声骂:“死丫头,今天是啥日子,自己一点也不上心。呆瓜。”梳头洗脸时,桃叶才慢慢清醒过来:哦,今天是农历六月初八,李永强家来提亲的日子。这是两家父母在电话里商定的,据说是个好日子。不知李永强会不会来,估计他不会来的。男方来提亲,一般会顺带着商量彩礼,免不了双方讨价还价几个回合,站在一 Mother clean the courtyard three times, went to the kitchen to check some vegetables bought yesterday, eat, and stood in front of the courtyard looked for a while, peach leaf only lazily woke up. Long after a few yawns, slowly tucking under the kang. Mother in the yard softly scolded: “Dead girl, today is what day, not a bit of their own heart. Gully.” "Wash your hair, peach leaves slowly wake up: Oh, today is the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, Li Yongqiang home to mention the date of marriage. This is what the two parents agreed on the phone and is said to be a good day. I do not know Li Yongqiang will not come, it is estimated he will not come. Men to mention marriage, the general will go along with discuss the bride price, inevitably the two sides bargain a few rounds, standing on a
1993年,是多党合作历史上浓墨重彩的一年,就在这一年,中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商制度,作为我国的基本政治制度载入宪法。民进江苏省委会作为以教育、 The year 199
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