
来源 :林业科技开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinfeiyangfang
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福建省永安林业 (集团 )股份有限公司成立于 1994年 1月 ,是由永安林业 (集团 )总公司、永安市林产化工厂和三明市林工商总公司 3家共同发起 ,并向其他法人和内部职工募集股份成立的定向募集公司 ;是全国首家拥有森林资源经营权 ,集林工商相结合、产供销为一体的综合性、多元化 Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Co., Ltd. was established in January 1994 and is jointly sponsored by Yong’an Forestry (Group) Corporation, Yong’an Forest Chemical Plant and Sanming Forest Industry and Commerce Corporation, It is the first company in the country to have the right to operate forest resources, integrate forestry, industry and commerce, produce, supply and sell the integrated and diversified
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A subset of S of the vertex set of a graph G is called acyclic if the subgraph it induces in G contains no cycles. S is called an acyclic dominating set of G if
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