
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangweiwei_521
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Background: Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is the rarest of all gynaecological malignancies. It comprises only 0.1-1.0%of all neoplasms of the female genital tract, although it is a common site of metastases. This carcinoma is rarely diagnosed preoperatively; most often patients undergo surgery for other reasons. Case: We report the case of a 56-year-old postmenopausal woman with primary fallopian tube carcinoma third stage confined to the right tube involving one positive retroperitoneal lymph node. Adjuvant chemotherapy with six cycles of Carboplatin/Taxol was advised after surgical resection. Conclusion: The rarity of the condition makes it difficult to perform randomised studies which could determine the treatment of choice. Our work adds further information to the relatively small body of literature available on fallopian tube carcinoma. Background: Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is the rarest of all gynaecological malignancies. It contains only 0.1-1.0% of all neoplasms of the female genital tract, although it is a common site of metastases. This carcinoma is at least diagnosed preoperatively; most of all breast cancer patients surgery for other reasons. Case: We report the case of a 56-year-old postmenopausal woman with primary fallopian tube carcinoma third stage confined to the right tube involving one positive retroperitoneal lymph node. Adjuvant chemotherapy with six cycles of Carboplatin / Taxol was advised after surgical resection. Conclusion: The rarity of the condition makes it difficult to perform randomized studies which could determine the treatment of choice. Our work adds further information to the relatively small body of literature available on fallopian tube carcinoma.
通过分析丝网印花产生色差的形式和机理,提出了解决办法。 By analyzing the form and mechanism of color difference produced by screen printing, a solution is propose
目的 通过分析放疗前后鼻咽癌(NPC)患者外周血CD4+CD25high调节T(Tr)细胞比例及其变化规律.初步探讨NPC患者免疫抑制机制和放疗对免疫抑制的影响,为有效提高NPC的治疗疗效提供参考.方法采用流式细胞术检测36例初治的鼻咽癌患者放疗前、放疗后和30例正常健康者(对照组)外周血中T细胞亚群及CD4+CD25high T细胞比例.结果放疗前鼻咽癌患者CD3+、CD4+、CD8+T细胞比例
男人其实非常不明白,为何在家里拖地都嫌累的女人们,一逛街,就如有神助了。蹬着高跟鞋,小细腿走得那个快啊,时常在篮球场驰骋的男人们都赶不上。  也许是女人对于色彩有天生的敏感,喜欢五颜六色的东西,所以她们爱逛街,爱去五彩缤纷的商场。又或者她们爱热闹,喜欢往人多的地方去,周末逛街成了她们首选的消遣方式,尽管男士周末想睡个好觉,或者在电脑前泡一天魔兽世界,但女人早早起床,揪醒男人,再无比魅惑地撒娇“老公