Brachial access technique for aortoiliac stenting revisited

来源 :Journal of Geriatric Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gggmtdh2009
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We report a modified technique to perform iliac artery stenting through the brachial artery access. A 6F Brite tip sheath (Cordis, Jonhson & Jonhson Medical, Miami Lakes, FL, USA) is inserted into either brachial artery and a standard 4F Judkins Right diagnostic catheter was inserted over a 260 cm 0.038” Terumo Stiff wire (Terumo Corp, Tokyo, Japan) through the sheath. The catheter is navigated down to the aortic bifurcation, and after selecting the common iliac artery ostium, the wire is navigated through the lesion and advanced to the ipsilateral superficial femoral arteries. The catheter should be then moved forward over the wires beyond the lesion and the Terumo guidewire is replaced by two 0.038” 260 cm Supracor wires (Boston Scientific Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA). In order to facilitate advancement of the stent without risk of dislodgement as well as to check the position with low contrast dose injection, a 6 F (or 7F if large stent is selected) 90cm Shuttle Flexor introducer long sheath (Cook Group, Bloomington, IN, USA) should be advanced over the Supracor wire until it reaches the common iliac artery ostium. A road-map technique can be used to check the ostium position in order to properly deploy the selected stent. This technique promises to be safe and effective offering more support than guiding catheter technique; moreover it reduces the stress on the arterial vessel at the subclavian site and enables a stiff balloon or stent catheter to be advanced even through a very elongated and calcified aorta without the risk of stent dislodgement. A 6F Brite tip sheath (Cordis, Jonhson & Jonhson Medical, Miami Lakes, FL, USA) was inserted into either brachial artery and a standard 4F Judkins Right diagnostic catheter was inserted over a 260 cm 0.038 “Terumo Stiff wire (Terumo Corp, Tokyo, Japan) through the sheath. The catheter is navigated down to the aortic bifurcation, and after selecting the common iliac artery ostium, the wire is navigated through the lesion and advanced to the ipsilateral superficial femoral arteries. The catheter should be moved forward over the wires beyond the lesion and the Terumo guidewire is replaced by two 0.038 ”260 cm Supracor wires (Boston Scientific Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA). In order to facilitate advancement of the stent without risk of dislodgement as well as to check the position with low contrast dose injection, a 6 F (or 7F if large stent is selected) 90cm Shuttle Flexor introd ucer long sheath (Cook Group, Bloomington, IN, USA) should be advanced over the Supracor wire until it reaches the common iliac artery ostium. A road-map technique can be used to check the ostium position in order to properly deploy the selected stent . Moreover it reduces the stress on the arterial vessel at the subclavian site and enables a stiff balloon or stent catheter to be advanced even through a very elongated and calcified aorta without the risk of stent dislodgement.
摘 要:农村小学高年级语文复习主要是以教师的讲授为主,学生往往是处在被动接受的状态,在复习方法上也是一味地采用练习、默写、听写等方式。本文对如何增强复习课的自主性复习进行分析。  关键词:农村小学生;高年级语文复习;策略  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)23-031-2  一、树立正确的复习观  高年级的孩子已经有了自己的思想,所以老师要树立
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摘 要:“对酒当歌,人生几何?譬如朝露,去日苦多。概当以慨,忧思难忘。何以解忧,唯有杜康”。这是曹操‘短歌行’中的千古名句。这是曹操平定北方后,率百万雄师,饮马长江,与孙权决战时宜兴之作。为何在刚刚统一北方,大事可成之际,曹操会做出这样的感慨呢?为什么此诗后曹操就遭遇了一生中战场上最大的失败呢?曹操一生的成败是否真如这首诗所写的呢?请拭目以待吧。  关键词:曹操;官渡之战;赤壁之战    1 官渡
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