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我中南区各公营企业职工自去年十二月十一日政务院、财政经济委员会发布关于公营企业原有年终双薪或奖金问题处理办法之后,在中南总工会筹委会号召之下,各公营企业的全体职工均群起热烈拥护与坚决执行。表示了工人阶级的高度政治觉悟,体会了国家当前的财政困难,掀起了自觉自愿的捐献运动。根据中南交通部所属中南邮政管理局,华中电讯局,招商局汉口分公司等三个单位的统计:职工捐献为一九○、一六二·一八工薪分,另小麦三九、九八二·二五斤,人民币四七、九五六元。如以武汉工薪分折实分值总平均折合率,约折合二道机米六五四、九三七斤,另小麦三九、九八二·二五斤。如果将全部总计起来,将是一个非常巨大的数字。这对帮助国家克服财政困难,有很大作用和意义,这是我们工人阶 Since the announcement by the State Council and the Financial and Economic Commission on the handling of the original year-end double pay or bonuses of public enterprises on December 11 last year, at the call of the Preparatory Committee of Central South China Federation of Trade Unions, the public servants of all public-owned enterprises All workers are warmly supported and resolutely implemented. Expressed the highly political consciousness of the working class, realized the current financial difficulties of the country and set off a voluntary donation campaign. According to the statistics of three units including Zhongnan Post Administration, Central China Telecommunications Bureau and China Merchants Hankou Branch, which belong to Zhongnan Traffic Department, employees donated 190 to 162.18 working points and another 390 to 982 wheat Two pounds, RMB 47, 956 yuan. For example, in Wuhan, the total average salaries of the salaries and salaries points average equivalent rate, equivalent to about two machine sixty-four, nine seventy catties, the other three hundred ninety-nine, nine two two two five pounds. If you sum it all up, it will be a huge number. This is of great help and help to the country in overcoming financial difficulties. It is our working class
The amygdala is crucial in modulating enhanced memory for emotionally arousing material. The authors provide evidence that unilateral lesions of the human amygd
第一屆全國人民代表大會第二次會議决定: 一、撤銷中華人民共和國燃料工業部。二、設立中華人民共和國煤炭工業部,中華人民共和國電力工業部,中華人民共和國石油工業部,中華
自学考试中的实验考核存在很多漏洞和弊端,需要从制定统一考核标准、加强考核环节辅导、开展考核教研活动、教学与考核同步进行等方面进行改革。 There are many loopholes
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中華人民共和國國务院: 現送上中國共產党中央委員会所準备的農業生產合作社示範章程草案,請國务院加以討論。農業生產合作社示範章程是目前正在走向高潮的農業合作化运動所
1967年8月以后,正当越南军民在抗美斗争中取得节节胜利的时候,美国在越南战场上使用了一种新型炸弹,这种外观与普通500磅航空炸弹毫无区别的 MK-82炸弹,装备了特殊引信,具有