
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jindere
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楼兰在今罗布泊西北岸。它在西汉时是汉军屯戍的基地之一,在东汉时是著名的犯屯基地,在魏晋时是西域长史府的驻地,是当时新疆最大的屯田基地。 魏晋在楼兰的屯田,《三国志》和《晋书》等正史中没有明确记录,我们只能借助在楼兰古城挖掘的魏晋时期的汉文木简和纸文书,来了解当时的情况。公元222年,曹魏政府接管西域地区,沿袭东汉旧制,任命承移为西域长史,开始领军到楼兰屯田戍守。在楼兰出土的汉文木简记有:“西域长史承移,今初除,月廿三日当上道,从上邽至天水。”这说明承移赴任前,已通告楼兰属吏,他已从天水郡上邽县启程。西晋时,楼兰也设有西域长史。德国孔拉迪编的《斯文赫定在楼兰发掘的汉文文书和其他小件文物》一书第107号木简记有:“长史白书一 Loulan in the northwest coast of Lop Nur. It was one of the bases of the Han garrison in the Western Han Dynasty. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was a famous base for committing crimes. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was the station of Changshediu in the Western Region and the largest base of the Tuntian in Xinjiang. Wei Jin in Tunlan Tuntian, “Three Kingdoms” and “Book of Jin” and other essays are not clearly recorded, we can only use the excavation of Loulan ancient Chinese and Chinese Jin Jian and paperwork, to understand the situation. In 222 AD, the Cao Wei government took over the Western Regions, followed the old system of the Eastern Han Dynasty, appointed the Chief Minister of the Western Regions for the long history, and began to lead the Loulan garrison. The Chinese-speaking bamboo slips unearthed in Loulan keep a remark: “The long history of the Western Regions was carried away, except for the beginning of this month, which was on the 23rd of the month and went from Shangli to Tianshui.” This shows that Loulan was an official before he was transferred to office, From Sheung Shui County Shangri-la County leave. Western Jin Dynasty, Loulan also has a long history of the Western Regions. Germany Kong Ladi compiled “Sven Hedin in Loulan excavations of Chinese instruments and other small pieces of artifacts,” a book No. 107 wood short note: "a long history of a white book
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