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经过十年改革开放,实现了国家现代化建设的第一步战略目标。铁路运输虽然得到了很大发展,但却成为国民经济突出的薄弱环节。主要原因是投入大、产出小,效益不高。为改变这一局面,回顾分析过去铁路建设的得失,提出对策是必要的。据统计分析,50年代新线造价最低而建设最快,八年间交付运营11014公里(都是1957年以前设计的)。铁路建设适应了当时国民经济的发展,效益是相当高的。但1958年以后,追求高标准,造价猛增,60、70年代造价已超过50年代2~3倍之多。80年代物价波动,中期以后通货膨胀,施工管理松弛,间接费用上涨,加以地方需索过甚,造价超过50年代10倍以上。铁路基建投资激增,而修建新线越来越少,1981~1989年交付运营仅3 246公里。由于大量投资为新线占用,投资比例严重失调,旧线投资太少,又不重视科技扩能,过 After a decade of reform and opening up, the first-phase strategic goal of national modernization has been achieved. Although railway transportation has been greatly developed, it has become a prominent weak link in the national economy. The main reason is to invest big, small output, efficiency is not high. In order to change this situation and review the gains and losses of the railway construction in the past, it is necessary to put forward countermeasures. According to the statistical analysis, the new construction line of the 1950s was the lowest and the construction was the fastest, with an operating capacity of 11,014 km delivered in eight years (all designed before 1957). Railway construction adapted to the development of the national economy at that time, and the benefits were quite high. However, after 1958, the pursuit of high standards, the cost soared, the cost of the 60s and 70s has more than 2 times the 50’s 2 to 3 times. Price volatility in the 1980s, inflation after the middle period, slack construction management, rising indirect costs and the need to go somewhere else, cost more than 10 times that of the 1950s. Investment in railway infrastructure surged and fewer and fewer new lines were built, delivering only 3,246 kilometers from 1981 to 1989. As a large amount of investment is taken up by the new line, the investment proportion is seriously out of tune. There is too little investment in the old line and the technology expansion is neglected
临床表现: (1)蝶形或盘状红斑 (2)无畸形的关节炎或关节痛 (3)脱发。 (4)雷诺氏现象和/或血管炎 (5)口腔粘膜溃疡 (6)浆膜炎 (7)光过敏 (8)神经精神症状实验室检查: (1)血沉
目的探讨儿童急性下呼吸道感染(LRTI)不同病原与喘息、特应质之间的关系。方法 LRTI患儿入院后立即吸取鼻咽分泌物,进行多病原联合检测,明确RSV、hMPV、MP、CP感染。部分患儿