Metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:Asian definitions and Asian studies

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wiaoni007
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BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), as conventionally recognized, is a metabolic disorder largely confined to residents of affluent industrialized Western countries. However, obesity and insulin resistance are not restricted to the West, as witnessed by their increasingly universal distribution. In particular, there has been an upsurge in metabolic syndrome in the Asia-Pacific region, although there are critical differences in the extent of adiposity between Eastern and Western populations. DATA SOURCES: An English-language literature search using PubMed (1999-2007) on obesity, metabolic syndrome and NAFLD, focusing on Asian definitions and Asian studies. RESULTS: NAFLD appears to be of long-standing insulin resistance and likely represents the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. With insulin resistance as a common factor, the disease is associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk. All features of the metabolic syndrome and related events are assessed for practical management of NAFLD, although the criteria for the diagnosis of obesity and central obesity differ across racial groups. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing prevalence of obesity, coupled with diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and ultimately metabolic syndrome, puts a very large population at risk of developing NAFLD in the coming decades. The simultaneous identification and appropriate treatment of the components of metabolic syndrome are crucial to reduce hepatic as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), as conventionally recognized, is a metabolic disorder largely confined to residents of affluent industrialized Western countries. However, obesity and insulin resistance are not restricted to the West, as witnessed by their increasingly universal distribution . There is, there has been been upsurge in metabolic syndrome in the Asia-Pacific region, although there are critical differences in the extent of adiposity between Eastern and Western populations. DATA SOURCES: An English-language literature search using PubMed (1999-2007 ) on obesity, metabolic syndrome and NAFLD, focusing on Asian definitions and Asian studies. RESULTS: NAFLD appears to be long-standing insulin resistance and likely that the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. With insulin resistance as a common factor, the disease is associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk. All features of the metabolic syndrome and related events are assessed for practical management of NAFLD, although the criteria for the diagnosis of obesity and central obesity differ across racial groups. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing prevalence of obesity, coupled with diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and ultimately metabolic syndrome, puts a very large population at risk of developing NAFLD in the coming decades. The simultaneous identification and appropriate treatment of the components of metabolic syndrome are crucial to reduce hepatic as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
墨子曾跟随鲁国的史明学习,是史明最得意的弟子,但史明常常责备他。有一次,墨子因为一点小错被史明训斥了一番,墨子觉得很不公平。  史明看看他,问:“假设有去太行山和在家里拉磨两个任务,你觉得分别让良驹和毛驴做什么好?”  “当然是骑良驹去太行山,让毛驴在家里拉磨呀!”墨子回答说。  史明点点头又问:“那么良驹和毛驴比起来,你觉得谁挨的鞭子会更多?”  “当然是良驹,毛驴拉磨只要慢慢走就行了,而良驹因