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财政部税务总局《通告》发布以后,河南省人民政府及时发出了《关于全面开展税利大检查的通知》,由省委书记、副省长李庆伟同志,省委常委、省财经小组副组长王秉章同志挂帅,省财委、经委负责同志参加,组成税利检查领导小组,并设立了办公室。同时从工交、财贸部门抽出40名干部,组成6个工作组,由局、委负责同志带队,到各地、市帮助工作。各地、市、县也成立了领导小组,派出了工作组。据不完全统计,全省组织工作组650个,有 After the issuance of the Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, the People’s Government of Henan Province promptly issued the Circular on Carrying out Grand Inspection of Taxes and Discreets in a timely manner. Comrade Li Qingwei, secretary of the provincial party committee and deputy governor, the standing member of the provincial party committee and Wang Leizhang, Comrades-in-command, the provincial finance commissions, economic commissions responsible comrades to participate in the composition of the tax and profit inspection leading group, and set up an office. At the same time, 40 cadres were drawn from the departments of industry and commerce and finance and trade to form six working groups. The bureau and the committee responsible for comrades led the work and helped all localities and municipalities to work. Localities, cities and counties also set up leading groups and sent working groups. According to incomplete statistics, the province organized 650 working groups
如果说人生只是一次旅行,那么,我愿意不问目的地,就懒懒地蜷缩在自己的座位上,静静地观赏沿途的风景更迭。可是,很遗憾, 我不是旅者,我是一名小学语文教师。  ——题记  风景这边独好  记得那是一个春天的清晨,我来到教室,只见讲台上静静地搁着一束不知名的野花。说是野花,倒不如说是野草更合适,因为不仔细看,还真难发现有米粒大小的花朵藏在里面。它露珠闪耀,清香扑鼻,青翠欲滴。爱美之心人皆有之呀!我心中的
20 0 2年 12月上海辞书出版社出版了由程兆奇著的《南京大屠杀研究———日本虚构派批判》 ,41 5万字。该书汇集了作者 5篇论文 ,14篇短文与札记 ,1篇论著评议 ,通过对抗战时
由哈尔滨工业大学研制的聚丙烯防虫粮袋,最近在山西省芮城县工程塑料厂投入批量生产。该产品具有防虫、避鼠、驱除蚂蚁的功效,对人体无毒无害,适用于粮库、家庭小 Polyprop
This study uses a building energy performance simulation to investigate the impact of predicted climate warming and the additional issue of building ageing on t
AIM To detect immunohistochemically the presence of oval cells in chronic viral hepatitis with antibody against c-kit.METHODS We detected oval cells in paraffi