Immunohistochemical study of hepatic oval cells in human chronic viral hepatitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yange20092009
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AIM To detect immunohistochemically the presence of oval cells in chronic viral hepatitis with antibody against c-kit.METHODS We detected oval cells in paraffin-embedded liver sections of 3 normal controls and 26 liver samples from patients with chronic viral hepatitis, using immunohistochemistry with antibodies against c-kit, π-class glutathione S-transferase (π-GST ) and cytokeratins 19(CK19).RESULTS Oval cells were not observed in normal livers. In chronic viral hepatitis, hepatic oval cells were located predominantly in the periportal . region and fibrosis septa,characterized by an ovoid nucleus, small size, and scant cytoplasm. Antibody against stem cell factor receptor, c-kit, had higher sensitivity and specificity thanπ-GST and CK19. About 50%-70% of c-kit positive oval cells were stainedpositively for eitherπ-GST or CK19.CONCLUSION Oval cells are frequently detected in human livers with chronic viral hepatitis, suggesting that oval cell proliferation is associated with the liver regeneration in this condition. AIM To detect immunohistochemically the presence of oval cells in chronic viral hepatitis with antibody against c-kit. METHODS We detected oval cells in paraffin-embedded liver sections of 3 normal controls and 26 liver samples from patients with chronic viral hepatitis, using immunohistochemistry with antibodies In chronic viral hepatitis, hepatic oval cells were located predominantly in the periportal. region (c-kit, π-class glutathione S-transferase (π-GST) and cytokeratins 19 and fibrosis septa, characterized by an ovoid nucleus, small size, and scant cytoplasm. Antibody against stem cell factor receptor, c-kit, had higher sensitivity and specificity thanπ- GST and CK19. oval cells were stainedpositively for eitherππ-GST or CK19. CONCLUSION Oval cells are frequently detected in human livers with chronic viral hepatitis, suggesting that oval cell proliferation is associated with the liver regeneration in this condition.
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