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3月28日下午,广州殡仪馆青松厅哀乐低回,噬人心肺。灵堂两侧悬挂着一副挽联:“致力晚报文采风流写清新;倾心源流德业璀璨励同仁”这是骆德民同志后半生的写照,代表了参加追悼会的各界人士包括源流杂志社同仁的心声。我读着挽联,泪眼迷离。骆社长,你走得太早了!你才63岁呵,正是“志在千里”的年华!你的去世,是源流杂志社的重大损失。你是一位开拓型的领导,一个才德兼备的新闻战士。你到源流两年半,工作卓有成绩。在省老促会、省关工委等主办单位领导下,你团结全社同志,奋发努力、锐意革新,把《源流》办出了独有的特色,发行量翻了一番。你的声望,同《源流》一起与日俱显。正当我们要并肩携手大展鸿图之际,你却溘然长逝,离我们而去,怎不令人痛心疾首啊…… March 28 afternoon, Guangzhou funeral parlor Qingsong low back, bite heart and lung. On both sides of the chapel hanging a couplet: “Dedicated to the evening news style fresh and writing; heart of the German industry bright inspire colleagues ” This is Comrade Luo Demin’s portrait after the second half, on behalf of all walks of life to participate in the memorial service, including source colleagues in the magazine Voice. I read Elegy, tears blurred. President Luo, you go too early! You are 63 years old Oh, it is “your age”! Your death is a major loss for the source magazine. You are a pioneering leader and a virtuoso news warrior. You are two and a half years old and have done a great job. Under the leadership of the sponsors such as the Provincial Party Committee for Promoting Social Affairs, the provincial government and the provincial work committee, you unite all comrades in the society, work hard and are determined to make innovations. We have doubled the circulation of the “origins” with unique characteristics. Your reputation, along with “origin” together with the day. Just as we are going to work side by side for the grand occasion, you suddenly pass away from us, how can we not be overwhelmed?
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