Microfluidics-based assay on the effects of microenvironmental geometry and aqueous flow on bacteria

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzheyun314
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A new microfluidic system with four different microchambers (a circle and three equilateral concave polygons) was designed and fabricated using poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and the soft lithography method.Using this microfluidic device at six flow rates (5,10,20,30,40,and 50 mL/h),the effects of microenvironmental geometry and aqueous flow on bacterial adhesion behaviors were investigated.Escherichia coli HB101 pGLO,which could produce a green fluorescent protein induced by L-arabinose,was utilized as the model bacteria.The results demonstrated that bacterial adhesion was significantly related to culture time,microenvironment geometry,and aqueous flow rates.Adhered bacterial density increased with the culture time.Initially,the adhesion occurred at the microchamber sides,and then the entire chamber was gradually covered with increased culture time.Adhesion densities in the side zones were larger than those in the center zones because of the lower shearing force in the side zone.Also,the adhesion densities in the complex chambers were larger than those in the simple chambers.At low flow rates,the orientation of adhered bacteria was random and disorderly.At high flow rates,bacterial orientation became close to the streamline and oriented toward the flow direction.All these results implied that bacterial adhesion tended to occur in complicated aqueous flow areas.The present study provided an on-chip flow system for physiological behavior of biological cells,as well as provided a strategic cue for the prevention of bacterial infection and biofilm formation. A new microfluidic system with four different microchambers (a circle and three equilateral concave polygons) was designed and fabricated using poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and the soft lithography method. Using this microfluidic device at six flow rates (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mL / h), the effects of microenvironment geometry and aqueous flow on bacterial adhesion behaviors were investigated. Escherichia coli HB101 pGLO, which could produce a green fluorescent protein induced by L-arabinose, was utilized as the model bacteria . The results demonstrated that bacterial adhesion was significantly related to culture time, microenvironment geometry, and aqueous flow rates. Adhered bacterial density increased with the culture time. Initially, the adhesion occurred at the microchamber sides, and then the entire chamber was gradually covered with increased culture time. Adhesion densities in the side zones were larger than those in the center zones because of the lower shearing force in the side zone. Also, t At low flow rates, the orientation of adhered bacteria was random and disorderly. At high flow rates, bacterial orientation became close to the streamline and oriented toward the flow direction. All these results implied that bacterial adhesion tended to occur in complicated aqueous flow areas. The present study provided an on-chip flow system for physiological behavior of biological cells, as well as provided a strategic cue for the prevention of bacterial infection and biofilm formation.
眼前的张曼齐,瘦瘦高高,皮肤白皙,扎着一个很显学生气的马尾辫,但是也难掩其身上具有的文人氣质。曼齐笑起来特别甜美,露出一排整齐而洁白的牙齿。这位集美貌与智慧于一身的少女就是“国学达人”挑战赛全国总决赛的前三甲。  2017年9月15日,在第二届中华学子青春国学荟“国学达人”挑战赛总决赛现场,一场惊心动魄的八进三角逐正在进行。张曼齐在后台静静地等待着工作人员将文学家名字贴在胸前。战斗的号角已经吹响,
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