The integrated quality assessment of Chinese commercial dry red wine based on a method of online HPL

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huifentongxun
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AIM: To apply an integrated quality assessment strategy to investigate the quality of multiple Chinese commercial dry red wine samples. METHOD: A comprehensive method was developed by combining a high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector-chemiluminescence(HPLC-DAD-CL) online hyphenated system with an HPLC-ESI-MS technique. RESULTS: Chromatographic and H2O2-scavenging active fingerprints of thirteen batches of different, commercially available Chinese dry red wine samples were obtained and analyzed. Twenty-five compounds, including eighteen antioxidants were identified and evaluated. The dominant and characteristic antioxidants in the samples were identified. The relationships between antioxidant potency and the cultivated variety of grape, producing area, cellaring period, and trade mark are also discussed. CONCLUSION: The results provide the feasibility for an integrated quality assessment strategy to be efficiently and objectively used in quality(especially antioxidant activity) assessment and identification of dry red wine. AIM: To apply an integrated quality assessment strategy to investigate the quality of multiple Chinese commercial dry red wine samples. METHOD: A comprehensive method was developed by combining a high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector-chemiluminescence (HPLC-DAD-CL) online Hyphenated system with an HPLC-ESI-MS technique. RESULTS: Chromatographic and H2O2-scavenging active fingerprints of thirteen batches of different, commercially available Chinese dry red wine samples were obtained and analyzed. Twenty-five compounds, including eighteen antioxidants were identified as and evaluated. The dominant and characteristic antioxidants in the samples were identified. The relationships between antioxidant potency and the cultivated variety of grape, producing area, cellaring period, and trade mark are also discussed. CONCLUSION: The results provide the feasibility for an integrated quality assessment strategy to be efficiently and objectively used in quality (especially antioxid ant activity assessment and identification of dry red wine.
<正> 1978年到1982年,笔者在陕北石窟的考察中,与宜君县文化馆孙相武同志一道发现了一批北朝石窟和摩崖造像,其中除富县川庄石窟外均未作过报道,现择要分别介绍如下。一、陕北北部的北魏石窟 1.横山县接引寺摩崖造像造像位于横山县秦长城南2.5公里处的波罗城东崖(北魏属夏州,明正统十年建波罗堡城),为菩萨立像。面方圆,鼻高直,深目,戴高冠,宝缯垂至肩,左臂屈于腹部,舒指向下,右手下垂抚膝,跣足。造像
1 病历报告患者 ,2 8岁 ,孕2 产2 ,因停经 34周 ,伴高血压 2d ,腹痛、抽搐、尿少 1d ,在当地医院按重度妊高征治疗 1d无效而于 2 0 0 0年 11月 8日转入我院。孕程顺利 ,直至入
<正> 1987年10月6日,浙江省杭州市文物考古所得知市商业储运公司翻建仓库时发现1座瓷器窖藏,即派工作人员前往清理。出土文物得到妥善的保护,现全部收藏于杭州市文物考古所。该窖穴呈不规整圆形,直径约2.5、高约0.9、顶端距地表0.85米。窖藏出土瓷器54件、铜器4件。小件器物放在1件带盖坛内,
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