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  【Abstract】By analyzing the translation standards by Lin Yutang, this paper aims to give a brief understanding of the translation standards raised by Lin Yutang, thus making the translation standards more practically significant in translation activities.
  【Key words】Translation Standards; Lin Yutang
  Translation standards are regarded as the guidance in translation activities, as well as the way to evaluate the quality of translation. Lin Yutang has made the greatest contribution to Chinese translation theory, who was the first one to make a specific explanation of the translation standard. In 1932, he brought up three translation standards, which were “ Zhongshi, Tongshun, Mei”. Meanwhile, he interpreted the translation standards as three responsibilities of translators from another perspective, which were “ in translation , the translator should be responsible for the original author, the reader and the art”.
  1. Literature Review
  During the republic of China, Yu Dafu put forward the translation standards of “ Xue, Si, De”, which meant translators should learn, think and get something before doing translation; Mao Dun stated the “charm or spirit” of translation, which was similar to Guo Moruo` s idea of “fengyun(charm) translation”; Lun Xun insisted on “metaphrase” or “word for word” translation, which played an activity role in enriching Chinese vocabulary; Lu Yang interpreted the translation theory by Lin Yutang and his “aesthetic translation”(2005, 05). This paper is to analyze the translation standard by Lin Yutang thus providing a more clear guidance in the translation activities.
  2. Analysis of the Standards by Lin Yutang
  Lin Yutang brought up three translation standards in his thesis Discussion on Translation, which were “Zhongshi, Tongshun, Mei”. “Zhongshi” is faithfulness. He put forward and explained in detail the four implications of faithfulness. The first implication is that faithfulness doesn` t mean a word-for-word correspondence, the correct way of translation is sentence-for-sentence translation. The second implication is that the translator should aim at not only expressing the meaning of the source text, but also conveying the spirit of the source text. The third implication is that absolute faithfulness is impossible. Lin argued that the translator could not render all facet of a sentence at the time—the beauty of meaning, spirit, implication, style and sound. The fourth implication is fluency. In fact it is also the second principle put forward by Lin Yutang, which is “Tongshun”. It seems illogical that in his translation theory, fluency is both the second criterion and the fourth implication of the first criterion. As one of the three translation criteria, fluency is also part of faithfulness. Without fluency, it is almost impossible to reach faithfulness. When translating literary works, the translator has to consider the aesthetic quality of the translation, which is the meaning of the third criteria “Mei”. Lin held that besides its utility, the aesthetic quality of the translation should be given consideration.   3. The Application of “Zhongshi, Tongshun, Mei”
  “Zhongshi” and “Tongshun” are basically the same with “Xin” and “Da” by Yan Fu. The “Mei” by Lin Yutang is quite different with “Ya”. And the application of this standard is also representative for Lin Yutang.
  Example: 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
  Translation: So dim, so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank, so dead.(Lin Yutang, 2005)
  The fourteen words in the original give the reader the impression of being monotonous and pressing, and produce the artistic conception of being lonely and languishing in boredom. The words Lin chose and the sentence form he used are not only “Zhongshi” and “Tongshun”, but also “Mei”. Lin rendered reduplication in the form of alliteration and repetition, and fully conveyed the original artistic conception to the readership.
  Lin Yutang is a famous translator in the 20th century of China. Through the study, the paper gives a brief unstanding of the translation standard. “Zhongshi, Tongshun, Mei” has great significance in the translation field. And the translation theory in our country will be improved with the study by scholars and with the development of the time.
  [2]林语堂.Moment in Peking[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005.
【摘要】本文以奈达的功能对等翻译理论作为其框架,对《背影》的两个英译本进行对比分析,本文所选取的译本为张培基和杨宪益的两个译本,将从词汇、风格和文化三个方面对比分析两种译本实现功能对等的方式和效果。  【关键词】功能对等 词汇 风格 文化  一、引言  翻译是文化交流的纽带桥梁。在中西各自的文化历史发展过程中,翻译起着十分重要的作用。纽马克说过,“翻译批评是连接翻译理论和实践之间的纽带”。本文采取
【摘要】在英语教学与学习当中,英语阅读能力具有着重要作用。英语阅读作为有效提升英语学习的重要方式,能够对于小学生学习英语的听力、朗读、写作能力起到较好的提升作用。笔者依据多年以来的小学英语教学实践经验,在本文当中总结了如何来提升小学生英语阅读能力的策略,以此来与从教者们交流与分享小学英语阅读的心得体会。  【关键词】小学英语 阅读能力 策略  引言  作为我国英语教学的重点目标之一即是培养学生的阅
【摘要】19世纪末至20世纪,由于外国文化在中国的传播,中国国内各界仁人志士展开了种种前所未有的努力尝试,以求得文化的复兴与发展。在该进程中,翻译几乎在各相关领域都担当着媒介的角色并发挥着桥梁的作用。同时,在整个进程中 , 英语几乎一直占据着主导地位(很短一段时期为俄语),因此英语翻译所起到的作用尤为突出。基于以上两点,本论文主要论述的是二十世纪中国的翻译与英语的发展。在某种程度上,甚至可以说翻译
【摘要】合理衔接初高中英语教学,对于高一学生的英语学习具有深远影响。所以,英语教师必须高度重视,采取有效的措施合理衔接,使学生能够顺利进行英语学习的过度。此次研究主要是针对初高中英语教学的衔接问题展开研究,希望能够为教学工作者提供一定的理论借鉴。  【关键词】初高中英语 衔接 英语教学  前言  相比较初中英语,高中英语词汇量、句型结构以及难度有所提升,对于学生的英语学习能力要求也较高。因此,为了
【摘要】社会经济发展迅速,中西方交流日渐频繁,作为世界通用语,英语在国际交流与交往中发挥很好的桥梁作用。在具体的应用过程中,因为双方在文化背景、地域文化、风俗习性等方面存在诸多差异,使得英语翻译具有非常大的差异。这一方面影响了双边交流,另一方面对英语翻译品质产生了影响。文章就此论述了中西文化差异对英语翻译形成的影响进行探究。  【关键词】中西文化差异 英语翻译 影响  文化涉及非常广,对英语来说,
【摘要】英语写作在高考中所占比例很大,然而从近些年的高考试卷调查分析来看,学生的书面写作存在很多问题,这就严重的影响了学生的高考英语成绩。实际上,教材是学生接触到的最常用的写作素材,因此在今后的高中英语教学中,如何通过教材,改善学生的英语写作是教师同仁关注的问题,对于此,笔者提出了以下几点建议,希望能够对写作教学有所帮助。  【关键词】教材 高中英语 写作教学  前言  在当下的高中英语写作教学中
【摘要】初中正是培养学生学习兴趣的关键阶段,同时也是促使学生养成良好学习习惯的重要时期。所以,我们必须要重视初中教学活动的开展,把握这一关键时期,为学生奠定良好的英语学习基础。但是当前初中英语教学当中还存在一些不足之处,导致初中英语课堂教学效率得不到提升。基于此,本文将从三个方面来探讨如何构建初中英语高效课堂,更好地为学生服务。  【关键词】初中 英语 课堂教学 新课程改革  如今,中国适龄学生越