抓联合 促改革 增效益

来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuliyong
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在以城市为重点的整个经济体制改革全面展开和进入新旧体制交替的转折时期,国务院最近召开了第一次全国城市经济体制改革工作会议。这是我国经济体制改革历史进程中的一次极为重要的会议。这次会议确定,今年的城市改革要在“巩固、消化,补充、改善”八字方针指引下,通过大力发展横向经济联合,进一步推进和深化城市改革,保持国民经济持续、稳定、协调发展的势头,全面提高社会经济效益,为明年改革迈出较大的一步作好准备。 During the turning point in which the reform of the entire economic system focused on the city was in full swing and the system of alternating between the old and the new was replaced, the State Council recently held its first conference on the work of reforming the urban economic system throughout the country. This is an extremely important meeting in the historical process of China’s economic structural reform. The meeting determined that this year’s urban reform should further promote and deepen urban reform and maintain the momentum of sustained, stable and coordinated development of the national economy under the guideline of “Consolidation, Digestion, Supplement and Improvement” and by vigorously developing horizontal economic cooperation. , Comprehensively improve social and economic benefits, and prepare for the next major step toward reform.
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