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近期氧化铝市场态势主要看中国据英刊《金属导报》报道,英国国际商品研究所(CRU)最近发表报告指出,自1995年4季度以来国际氧化铝市场趋于疲软,估计近期的市场发展态势将主要取决于中国进入市场购买的情况。虽然世界许多国家和地区生产者都在扩建或新建铝的冶... Recent alumina market situation mainly depends on China According to the British magazine “Metal Herald” reported that the British International Commodity Research Institute (CRU) recently published report pointed out that since the fourth quarter of 1995 the international alumina market tends to weaken, estimated the recent market trend It will mainly depend on the circumstances of China’s entry into the market. Although many countries and regions in the world are expanding or building new aluminum smelters ...
Ludong orogenic belt in China is an importantal continent collision orogenic belt in eastern Asia, between Sino Korean landmass and Yangtze landmass. The host
智利预测1996年铜价智利铜委员会最近预测,1995年国际市场平均铜价为每磅130美分,比1994年的平均价每磅104.91美分上涨23.92%,而1996年将降为每磅120美分,比1995年下降7.69%。智利铜委员会解释说,世界铜消费增长速度减缓... C
The DSDP/ODP Hole 504B,drilled in the 5.9 Ma southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift,represents the deepest section through modern ocean floor basaltic basement.T
本文认为,学习策略优化有助于提高学生的学习成绩,并对学习策略优化提出了一些建议。 This paper argues that learning strategy optimization helps to improve students
美国高科技纺织品和成衣畅销HighTech.Textiles/ApparelarePopularamongAmericans近年,美国纺织业界竞相开发高科技纤维及其制成品。目前的高科技纺织物品主要采用烃烯类超细纤维与聚酯纤维合成。这类材料制成的成衣因... Ameri