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开展“三严三实”专题教育,是党的群众路线教育实践活动的延展深化,是加强党的思想政治建设和作风建设的重要举措,必须贯彻从严要求,紧扣主题、对准问题,在深入深化、务求实效上下功夫,确保取得看得见的成果。在深化“四风”整治、巩固和拓展党的群众路线教育实践活动成果上求实效。抓作风、改作风,是全面从严治党的重要突破口。经过群众路线教育实践活动,“四风”蔓延势头得到有效遏制,党风政风呈现出许多新变化新气象。但必须清醒看到,“四风”问题还没有根除,违规违纪现象仍时有发生,许多深层次问题亟须破解。应该说,作风建设正处在节骨眼上,乘 Carrying out the special education on “Three Strictnesses and Three Truths” is an extension and deepening of education and practical activities of the mass line of the party. It is an important measure for strengthening the Party’s ideological and political construction and work style construction. It must implement strict requirements, closely follow the theme, Problems, and work hard in deepening and pragmatism to ensure that visible results are achieved. Seek practical results in deepening the rectification of “the four winds” and consolidating and expanding the achievements of the party’s mass line education practice. Grasping the style of work and changing the style of work are important breakthroughs in the overall strict control of the party. After the mass line education practice, the momentum of the spread of the “Four Winds” was effectively checked and the new style of the party’s work style and government showed many new changes and changes. However, we must be soberly aware that the issue of “four winds” has not yet been eradicated, and the phenomenon of non-compliance and discipline still occurs from time to time. Many deep-rooted problems are in urgent need of solution. It should be said that style building is at a critical juncture, by
我们将从所有征答正确的读者中抽取20名幸运棋迷,各奖李中健先生字画一幅。本期征答截止日期为:2012年4月28日。请读 We will draw 20 lucky chess fans from all the reade
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摘 要:教师的“教”和学生“学”是相互配合,相辅相成的。教师要充分发挥引导作用,创新课堂教学,通过巧妙的设计来调动学生学习的积极性,为学生更好地学习服务。  关键词:初中;思想品德;课堂气氛;调动  一、预提问和后提问相结合  一點星亮好过万马齐喑。正如天天特价等于没有特价一样,对活跃度不高的班级,所有的学生只有一个要求就等于没有要求。学生没有紧张感,拖沓,大脑不活跃,不能积极去思考问题。  预提