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息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)作为一种黄斑部特异性出血性病变,以复发性视网膜下色素上皮出血为特征。近年来,已有较多关于该疾病的临床症状的报道。对于有色种族人群,特别是非裔美洲人和亚洲人新生血管性黄斑病变患者,PCV是主要的症状。该类新生血管的形成在白种人群中伴随或不伴随玻璃疣,病变部位从视盘周围到眼底周围区域。吲哚青绿眼底血管造影对此类血管异常病变的诊断更可靠。较为精确的诊断有助于进一步了解PCV特异性的临床特征,以区别于其他特异性脉络膜血管典型增生。本文探讨了PCV的特性,包括遗传基础、人口统计学特征、组织病理学、临床表现、发病过程、治疗反应,并着重介绍了血管的多种眼科成像技术,特别是荧光素眼底血管造影、吲哚青绿眼底血管造影及光学相干断层扫描技术。 Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a macular hemorrhagic disease characterized by recurrent subretinal pigment epithelial hemorrhage. In recent years, there have been more reports on the clinical symptoms of the disease. PCV is a major symptom of people with chromophore ethnicity, particularly in African Americans and Asian patients with neovascular maculopathy. The formation of such neovascularization in the white herd with or without drusen, the lesion from around the disc to the area around the fundus. Indocyanine green fundus angiography on the diagnosis of such vascular abnormalities more reliable. More accurate diagnosis can help to further understand the clinical features of PCV specificity to differentiate from other typical choroidal vasculature typical hyperplasia. This article explores the characteristics of PCV, including genetic basis, demographic characteristics, histopathology, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, treatment response, and focuses on a variety of vascular ophthalmic imaging techniques, in particular fluorescein fundus angiography, indole Green cyanosis fundus angiography and optical coherence tomography.
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A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so the peasant no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, “I can certainly make no more use of you, but still
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