《艺术探索》获评为“全国高校优秀社科期刊” 《艺术史与民族艺术》获评为“全国高校社科期刊特色栏目”

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2014年11月21~24日,全国高校文科学报研究会第五届高校社科期刊评优颁奖典礼和第七届第三次理事会在广州召开。中宣部出版局刘建生副局长、教育部社科司徐艳国副司长等到会祝贺并讲话。为贯彻党的十八届三中全会全面深化改革的方针,落实国家文化体制改革和繁荣哲学社会科学的精神和部署,检阅办刊成绩,总结办刊经验,进一步推动办刊体制改革和办刊质量的提升,全国高校文科学报研究会经研究并报教育部社科司批准,于2014年4~7月开展了第五届评优活动。《艺术探索》获评为 From November 21 to November 24, 2014, the 5th National Academic Journals Review and Award Ceremony of the National Association for the Study of Liberal Arts Journals and the 3rd Session of the Seventh Council Held in Guangzhou. Liu Jiansheng, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Central Propaganda Department and Xu Yanguo, deputy director of the Social Science Department of the Ministry of Education, will wait until they congratulate and make speeches. In order to implement the principle of deepening the reform of the party’s Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee comprehensively, implement the spirit and deployment of the reform of the state cultural system and the prosperity of the philosophy and social sciences, review the achievements in running the journals and summarize the experiences of running the journals and further promote the reform of the journals and the running of the journals Quality improvement, the National College of Arts Journal Research Council and reported by the Ministry of Education approved by the Social Science Division, in April 2014 to carry out the fifth evaluation activities. Art Discovery won the award
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