
来源 :植物保护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:originalwinter
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根据有关资料报道和几年实践证明,棉花枯萎病传病途径甚多。例如带病的种子、带病的土壤、带病的棉籽壳、病籽冷榨的棉籽饼、带病的棉株、带病的寄生植物、病田流水串灌以及操作的工具和人畜活动等,皆有传病的可能。值得注意的是,棉区的一些社员,还常把间苗和整枝打杈打下的棉秆、棉叶(包括病秆、病叶)切碎后直接喂猪或磨成“粉沫子”作猪饲料。这种用病叶、病秆喂猪所出的猪粪能否传病尚不清楚。这是生产上提出的问题,也是关系到病菌传播途径的问题。为此,1974——1975年,我们进行了试验。现将结果总结如下: According to the information reported and years of practice has proved that there are many pathways of cotton wilt disease. Such as diseased seeds, diseased soils, diseased cottonseed husks, cold pressed cottonseed cake, diseased cotton plants, diseased parasitic plants, flow-through of diseased fields, operational tools and human and animal activities, etc. , All have the possibility of transmission disease. It is worth noting that some members of the cotton area often give cotton stalks and cotton leaves (including diseased stalks and sick leaves) shredded by thinning and pruning and feed the pigs directly or grind them into a “powdery foam” for pig feed . The use of diseased leaves, stalk pig pig pig manure can pass the disease is not clear. This is a problem raised in the production, but also relates to the route of transmission of germs. To this end, 1974 - 1975, we conducted a test. The results are summarized as follows:
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将鹿蹄草科日本石韦(Pyrola japonica)全草(2kg)粉碎,经甲醇回流提取5次,得到甲醇提取物(650g)。甲醇提取物混悬于水中,依次用正己烷、二氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇提取。正丁
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