Pre-degenerated peripheral nerves co-cultured with bone marrow-derived cells:a new technique for har

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanrj
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Schwann cells play an important role in the peripheral nervous system, especially in nerve repair following injury, so artiifcial nerve regen-eration requires an effective technique for obtaining puriifed Schwann cells.In vivo andin vitro pre-degeneration of peripheral nerves have been shown to obtain high-purity Schwann cells. We believed thatin vitro pre-degeneration was simple and controllable, and available for the clinic. Thus, we co-cultured the crushed sciatic nerves with bone marrow-derived cellsin vitro. Results demonstrated that, 3 hours after injury, a large number of mononuclear cells moved to the crushed nerves and a large number of bone marrow-derived cells inifltrated the nerve segments. These changes promoted the degradation of the nerve segments, and the dedifferentiation and proliferation of Schwann cells. Neural cell adhesion molecule and glial ifbrillary acidic protein expression were detected in the crushed nerves. Schwann cell yield was 9.08 ± 2.01 × 104/mg. The purity of primary cultured Schwann cells was 88.4 ± 5.79%. These indicate a successful new method for ob-taining Schwann cells of high purity and yield from adult crushed sciatic nerve using bone marrow-derived cells.
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