
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suifengangle
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卫生部于1963年12月2日至12日在武汉市召开了全国药品检驗工作会議。会議的主要內容是根据加强药政管理的精神,总結药品检驗工作的經驗;討論卫生部門药品检驗所工作的規章制度;拟訂1964年全国药检工作計划的要点。会议着重指出,自从1960年全国药品检驗工作苏州現場会議以来的三年中,全国药检工作在三面紅旗的光辉照耀下。在各級党政領导下,围繞卫生工作防病治病的中心任务,在深入城乡监督中西药品质量、审查制訂药品标准規格以及科学研究等方面,都进行了許多工作,取得了显著成績。同时在药检机构上也有了很大的发展,解放以前只有一个药检机构,目前全国除个別地区外,各省市、自治区均建立了药检所,有的专、市也成立了药检所(室)。随着药检机构的增加,任 The Ministry of Health convened a national pharmaceutical inspection meeting in Wuhan from December 2 to December 1963. The main content of the meeting was to summarize the experience of drug inspection work based on the spirit of strengthening the administration of drug administration; to discuss the rules and regulations of the work of drug inspection institutes in the health sector; and to draw up the main points of the national drug inspection work plan of 1964. The meeting stressed that since the national inspection of pharmaceuticals in Suzhou in the three years since the scene in 1960, the national drug inspection work has been shining under the bright red flag of the three sides. Under the leadership of the party and government at all levels, we have done a lot of work around the central task of preventing and treating diseases in health work, thoroughly monitoring the quality of Chinese and Western medicines in urban and rural areas, examining and formulating the standards for pharmaceutical products and scientific research, and achieved remarkable results . At the same time, there has also been a great development in drug testing agencies. Before the liberation, there was only one drug testing agency. At present, all the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have set up drug testing institutes in some parts of the country, and some drug testing institutes (laboratories) . With the increase of drug testing agencies, any
本文介绍一种测量鼠爪体积的简单方法及注意事项。与国内外其它方法比较,本法的优点是装置简单、误差小、重复性好。本法与 Singh 法所测定的结果基本一致,亦符合卡拉胶致炎
一项美国、欧洲、澳大利亚40个肿瘤中心合作进行的随机前瞻性临床Ⅱ期试验表明,卡伐辛(Canvaxin)作为一种治疗肿瘤的疫苗,可以延长Ⅳ期黑素瘤全切后病人的存活期。 加州Sant