国内第一部主题法教材 主题法研究新作《主题检索语言》即将出版

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本书是国内第一部适合高校图书情报专业主题法教学的教材,也是国内主题法研究的最新著作,由四川大学图书情报系青年教师邱明斤编著。目前,全国高校中开设主题法课程者在不断增加,同时,随着《中国分类主题词表》的即将编成,国内图书情报机构开展主题检索的工作也将很快被提到议事日程。因而,此书的出版,对于国内主题法的教学,对于图书情报机构进行主题法的研究和应用,都将产生积极影响。本书体系全面,内容新颖。有理论分析,有词表介绍,有技术讲解,特别注重反映国内外主题法研究应用的新成果、新进展,结合实际,关注现实。本书系统深入地评述了国内外主题法研究应用的现状和发展趋向,图文兼具,深入浅出,采用大量图表,形象 This book is the first teaching material that is suitable for the teaching of subject and law of university library and information profession, and is also the latest book on the research of thematic law in China. It is edited by Qiu Mingjin, a young teacher of the library and information department of Sichuan University. At present, the number of subject-based courses in universities and colleges in the country is on the increase. At the same time, as the “Chinese Classification Thesaurus” is about to be compiled, the topic retrieval by the domestic library and information agencies will soon be put on the agenda. Therefore, the publication of this book will have a positive impact on the teaching of the domestic thematic laws and on the research and application of thematic laws by the library and information agencies. This book system is comprehensive, content is novel. A theoretical analysis, a glossary introduction, a technical explanation, with particular emphasis on reflecting the domestic and foreign research and application of the new theme of the new achievements, new developments, combined with reality, pay attention to the reality. This book systematically reviews the current situation and development trend of the research and application of thematic law both at home and abroad, with both graphic and textual and profound theories in simple language, using a large number of charts and graphs
中华医学会于1980年12月在广州召开了首届内科学术会议,现将主要学术资料作一综述。一、呼吸系疾病 (一)阻塞性肺气肿;一致认为,引起阻塞性肺气肿死亡的主要原因仍为呼吸衰