近 几年来 ,随着深化改革和城市建设的发展 ,社区工作进入了一个新的发展阶段 ,“两级政府、三级管理”新的城市管理体制进一步建立和完善 ,城市管理重心下移 ,街道职能增加 ,为社区的发展注入了活力。在新的形势下 ,社区党建工作也得到了拓展和加强。潍坊街道党工委注重建立和
In recent years, with the deepening reform and the development of urban construction, community work has entered a new stage of development. The new urban management system of “two-level government and tertiary management” has been further established and perfected. The urban management center of gravity has been shifted down and the streets The increase of functions has injected vitality into the development of the community. In the new situation, the party building in the community has also been expanded and strengthened. Weifang Street Party committees focus on the establishment and