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围绕推进科教兴市主战略:义务教育均衡发展若干规定、促进科技创新若干规定、科技资源共享若干规定、人才市场管理条例、终身教育促进条例、电子商务条例等;围绕公民权益保障:法律援助若干规定、集体合同条例、少数民族权益保障条例、实施《妇女权益保障法》办法等;围绕社会稳定和公共安全:废旧金属收购管理规定、保护供电安全若干规定、养犬管理条例、艾滋病防治条例等;围绕推进循环经济建设:实施《大气污染防治法》办法、植树造林绿化管理条例、实施《气象法》办法、节约能源条例、实施《土地管理法》办法、滩涂管理条例、湿地管理条例等;围绕城市管理:道路桥梁管理条例、房地产开发经营管理条例、道路交通管理条例、出租汽车管理条例等。 Revitalize the main strategy of revitalizing the city through science and education: a number of provisions for the balanced development of compulsory education, promote certain provisions of scientific and technological innovation, science and technology resources to share certain regulations, the management of talent market regulations, lifelong education promotion regulations, e-commerce regulations; around the protection of civil rights: Regulations on Collective Contracts, Protection of the Rights and Interests of Ethnic Minorities, Measures for the Implementation of the “Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women”, etc. Focusing on social stability and public safety: Regulations on Administration of Scrap Metals, Several Provisions on Protection of Power Supply, Laws on Dog Care, and HIV Prevention and Control Regulations ; Around promoting the construction of circular economy: the implementation of “air pollution prevention and control” approach, afforestation afforestation management regulations, the implementation of “Meteorological Law” approach, energy conservation regulations, the implementation of the “Land Management Law” approach, beach management regulations, wetland management regulations; Around the city management: road and bridge management regulations, real estate development and management regulations, road traffic regulations, taxi management regulations.
1 全天候。高速铁路不受恶劣气候条件限制 ,列车按规定时刻到发与运行 ,这是飞机、汽车及其他交通运输工具所不及的。2 运能大。输送能力大是高速铁路的主要技术优势之一。
本文通过对张三诉某市环境保护局、渔政管理站不履行法定职责一案的分析,对法院判决是否正确做出一番思考。 This article through the Zhangsan v. Municipal Environmenta
决定坐骆驼进入撒哈拉大沙漠的那一天,万里晴空,云彩全无。太阳,是千支万支烙红的毒箭,不分青红皂白地猛烈发射;风着火了,大地被熊熊地燃烧着、燃烧着。牵骆驼的,是个土著,皮肤很黑,牙齿很黄,皱纹很多,话很少。白白的沙,烫得兀自冒着袅袅的烟气,而他,竟赤足。那双千锤百炼的脚,皲裂成比世界地图更为复杂的图形。  牵着骆驼,他低着头,走。  走进空旷而苍茫的、美丽而诡谲的沙漠。  空荡荡的大地,漾出一圈一圈
一部良法的产生,必然是发扬民主的产物,必然是民智、民意、民声的集中体现。本着使法的精神深入人心,有利于执行, 自治区人大法制委员会立法咨询专家组应运而生。5月30日, 来
美国在第二次世界大战后 ,形成了一套综合运输系统 ,它包括 6种运输工具 :飞机、汽车、火车、内陆船舶、远洋轮船和输油输气管道。 3种主要支持设施 :机场和地面导航设施、公