
来源 :湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wonghost
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模块化集群是一个交易效率提高、学习费用降低和劳动分工深化的平衡过程,其实质就是分工经济和交易成本的相互平衡过程。分工有利于技术创新,从而促进技术标准化程度的提高,进而促进模块化技术及产品模块化及其集群的发展,而产品的模块化及其集群发展反过来又可以使交易成本降低、交易效率提高,进而促进分工的演进,因此,模块化集群就是伴随着分工的演进、技术标准化程度的提高、交易成本的降低、交易效率的提升而不断演进的,其形成和发展有其自身的内在规律。 Modular cluster is a balanced process of improving transaction efficiency, reducing learning costs and deepening division of labor. The essence of modular cluster is the process of balancing the division of labor and transaction costs. The division of labor is conducive to technological innovation, thus promoting the improvement of the standardization of technology, thereby promoting the modular technology and product modularity and the development of its clusters. The modularity of products and their cluster development in turn can reduce transaction costs and improve transaction efficiency , And thus promote the evolution of division of labor. Therefore, the formation and development of modular clusters have their own inherent laws with the evolution of division of labor, the improvement of the standardization of technology, the reduction of transaction costs and the improvement of transaction efficiency.
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