
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falinglord
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石嘴山市位于素有“塞上江南”美誉的宁夏北部,东邻内蒙古鄂尔多斯市,西接阿拉善左旗,南靠宁夏银川市,北连内蒙古乌海市,黄河纵贯全境,水土丰腴,物产丰饶。全市地域总面积5310平方公里,总人口74万人,有回、汉、蒙古、满等27个民族,其中,回族人口占20%,城镇人口占59%。1960年,国务院批准设立地级石嘴山市,市域地理沿革数经变迁,目前全市下辖大武口区、惠农区、平罗县。石嘴山因贺兰山与黄河交汇之处“山石突出如嘴”而得名。新石器时代,即有先民在此活动,秦朝开始设郡管辖。两千多年来,先后有匈奴、突厥、党项、蒙古等民族在这里留居放牧,繁衍生息,留下了独特的人文、自然景观和资源,贺兰山岩画、古生物化石、西夏文化、长城、黄河、大漠、宗教文化、民俗风情和谐地交织在一起,形成了石嘴山独特的地域文化;石嘴山地处鄂尔多斯台地与黄河冲积平原的交接地带,大漠和草原文化自然交汇,“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的大漠黄河风光、“风吹草低见牛羊”的草原风光和独具特色的农舍田园风光以其神奇的组合、绝佳的搭配,呈现给游人一幅醉人的画卷。 Shizuishan City is located in the northern part of Ningxia, known as “plugged Jiangnan ”, bordering Ordos in the east, Alxa Left Banner in the west, Yinchuan in the south, Wuhai in the north, the Yellow River runs through the whole territory, Feng 腴, rich products. The total area of ​​the city is 5,310 square kilometers with a total population of 740,000. There are 27 ethnic groups in the country, including Hui, Han and Mongolia, of which, the Hui population accounts for 20% and the urban population accounts for 59%. In 1960, the State Council approved the establishment of a prefecture-level Shizuishan City. The geographical evolution of the city has undergone several changes. At present, the city has jurisdiction over Dawukou District, Huinong District and Pingluo County. Shizuishan due to the intersection of the Helan Mountain and the Yellow River “rocks prominent as the mouth ” named. Neolithic Age, that is, ancestors in this activity, Qin Dynasty began to set the county jurisdiction. Two thousand years ago, there have been Huns, Turks, Party items, Mongolia and other ethnic groups here to stay in grazing, thriving, leaving a unique humanities, natural landscape and resources, Helan Mountain petroglyphs, paleontology fossils, Xixia culture, the Great Wall, the Yellow River , Desert, religious culture, customs and customs harmoniously intertwined, forming a unique geographical culture of Shizuishan; Shizuishan is located in Erdos platform and the alluvial plain of the Yellow River intersection zone, desert and grassland culture naturally meet, “the desert solitary smoke, the river Sunset Yellow ”desert Yellow River scenery, “ the wind and grass low see cattle and sheep ”of the prairie scenery and unique farmhouse idyllic scenery with its magical combination, excellent match, presented to the visitors an intoxicating picture .
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