美国特种作战专家研判解放军对台非常规作战 解放军台海暗战 无形战争是不是已经开始?

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台海问题从来都是美国关注的焦点,中国是否会在台海发起军事行动,以完成国家统一的使命更是美国军事观察家,中国问题专家们分析的课题。本文作者毛文杰博士是美国情报研究和分析中心副主任,著名的“中国问题专家”。他在2005年9月15日,中美经济和安全评估委员会召开的“中国军事现代化和台海平衡”听证会所做的这份报告中指出:由于直接军事行动的风险过高,中国更可能采用由信息战、心理战、计算机网络攻击、“斩首行动”等超限战手段解决台湾问题并阻止美军的军事干涉。整份报告充满了中国威胁论的论调以及各种捕风捉影的分析。望读者在阅读时有所鉴别。本刊发表此文并非赞同其观点,更非证实其内容。仅供有兴趣的读者参考。 The issue of the Taiwan Strait has always been the focus of the United States. Whether China will launch a military operation in the Taiwan Strait and accomplish the mission of national reunification is even a topic analyzed by the U.S. military observers and China experts. The author of this article is Dr. Mao Wenjie, the deputy director of the United States intelligence research and analysis center, the famous “China expert.” In his report on “China’s military modernization and the balance of the Taiwan Strait” held by the Sino-US Economic and Security Review Commission on September 15, 2005, he pointed out: As the risk of direct military operations is too high, China is more likely to adopt Information security, psychological warfare, computer network attacks, “decapitation” and other over-the-top tactics have been used to solve the Taiwan issue and prevent U.S. military intervention. The entire report is full of arguments about China’s threat theory and various analyzes of the past. Hope readers have been identified in reading. This article published this article is not agree with their views, but not to confirm its content. Only interested readers reference.
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