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工程项目后评价是对已建成工程项目进行回顾评价,是项目建设的最后阶段,也是固定资产投资管理的重要内容。其目的是总结经验,吸取教训,提高项目的决策水平和投资效益。国外美、英等西方发达国家于60年代后开始后评价工作。世界银行从70年代初对投资项目开展后评价工作,并形成了一整套完整的制度和方法,建立业务评议局机构。国内中国国际工程咨询公司于1988年起着手重点建设项目后评价工作。水利方面起步较晚,于1993年底才开始对丹江口水利枢纽进行全过程评价,以后又对某些水利枢纽、水库、灌区等工程项目进行后评价工作。项目后评价内容可分为全过程评价和阶段性或专项后评价两类,目前我国推行的是全过程评价。中国国际工程咨询公司的后评价内容包括过程、经济效益、影响和持续性四方面评价。水利项目后评价包括社会经济、财务、工程、环境、经营管理、社会、移民和结论建议八方面评价。项目后评价方法多种多样,应参照有关规程、规范、文件等,采用有、无项目对比分析法和预测方法等进行。最后应编写后评价总报告。 The post-evaluation of the project is a retrospective evaluation of the completed project, which is the final stage of project construction and an important part of the investment management of fixed assets. Its purpose is to sum up experience, learn lessons and improve the project’s decision-making level and investment returns. After the western developed countries such as the United States and Britain started their post-60s evaluation work. Since the early 1970s, the World Bank has carried out post-evaluation on investment projects and has formed a complete set of systems and methods for establishing a business review agency. China International Engineering Consulting Corporation started its post-evaluation work on key construction projects in 1988. Water conservancy started relatively late, and began to evaluate the whole process of Danjiangkou hydro-junction at the end of 1993. Later on some projects such as water conservancy hubs, reservoirs and irrigation areas were evaluated. After the project evaluation can be divided into the whole process of evaluation and evaluation of stage or special categories, the current implementation of our country is the whole process of evaluation. China International Engineering Consulting Corporation’s post-evaluation content includes process, economic benefits, impact and sustainability of the four aspects of evaluation. Post-evaluation of water conservancy projects includes evaluation of social economy, finance, engineering, environment, operation and management, society, immigration and conclusions and suggestions. After the project evaluation methods varied, reference should be made to the relevant regulations, norms, documents, etc., with no project comparative analysis and forecasting methods. Finally, a general report on post-evaluation should be prepared.
海洋,是“天然的鱼仓”、 “蓝色的煤田”、“盐类的故乡”、 “能量的源泉”、“药物的宝库” ……,人类的陆地经济活动必然 向海洋扩展和延伸,未来世界的 角逐也必将以海洋
一、抗日战场 显露峥嵘    抗日战争伊始的1937年8月,经国共双方谈判协定,中国工农红军改编为国民革命军第八路军,朱德、彭德怀出任正、副总指挥(稍后改称正、副总司令),叶剑英、左权出任正、副参谋长,任弼时、邓小平出任政治部正、副主任。9月初,中央军委副主席周恩来受毛泽东的重托,偕彭德怀等高级将领亲临山西,就八路军开赴山西前线实行对日抗战的活动区域、作战原则、指挥关系、装备补充等事宜,和第二战
塑性混凝土具有弹性模量低、变形性能好的特点, 能有效地改善墙体应力状态; 但水泥用量减少和大量土料的掺入, 对其抗渗性和耐久性也带来不利的影响。根据国内外的有关研究资料
城市虽然略显拥挤,身处其中的人,却内心开阔,自有主张。这些,也许正是 广州在从申亚到正式举办亚运会的6年时间里所要着力去呵护和强化的。 Although the city is slightly
宣明盛教授 1 937年出生 ,四川省简阳市人 ,中国共产党党员。于1 96 3年毕业于成都中医学院。曾任云南中医学院方药教研室副主任 ,肿瘤研究室主任 ,云南中医学院附属医院副院